Open Distance Education for Teacher Trainers in Europe


For further information see http://odette.utu.fi

ILU at Uppsala University participates in the EU projektet ODETTE. Responsible Jan Sjunnesson <jan.sjunnesson@ilu.uu.se>, URL http://elwa.ilu.uu.se/jansju

The ODETTE project is being developed in a EC supported Minerva project carried out by 10 Coimbra Group universities and the Coimbra Group Office in Brussels. The project started on 1 October 2001 and has an eligibility period of 3 years.

The project aims at giving a substantial contribution to the training of ICT-literate teachers who are fully prepared to perform the huge task of educating young European citizens to live, work and further develop themselves in a world permeated with ICT applications.

The first aim of ODETTE is to establish a central electronic platform. The platform will serve as a forum for discussion and exchange of materials between teacher trainers and trainees. During the project it will facilitate communication between the partners and it will be used for dissemination of the outcomes.

The second and major aim of the project is the development , application and evaluation of a methodology to promote flexible teacher training (primary and secondary levels). Flexible arrangements will include seeking efficient ways to train teachers at a distance using ICT, focussing on supervising practice in schools and creating opportunities for trainees to share experiences. The methodology is also intended for in-service continuing professional development of teachers.

A third aim is the establishment of a database designed to show educators actual distance learning schemes and formats that have been implemented, tested and assessed in a number of countries. The database samples will portray some successful uses of ITC in distance based teacher training programmes, notably in analyses of classroom situations etc.

During the project period people from Odette partnering schools and universities can register under members as official users and thus can participate and contribute to the Odette-network. After the project period, the tools will become available for all those who are interested.

a. The methodology should invite student teachers to reflect upon their teaching and learning
b. To receive feedback from tutors and their peers ( fellow students )
c. The tool is an electronic portfolio as previously defined by the Odette working groups. A copy is to be found on the Workmates site.
d. Special emphasis upon underlying benefits to the students e.g. ,change in pre concepts, ethos, etc
e. The core of the students portfolio is formed by the written comments of the students
f. A FAQ should be created dealing with Critical incidents and how to deal with them.


URL of this page is http://www.skeptron.uu.se/broady/dl/odette-uu.htm

Last updated 09 Mar 2011

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