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Utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Sociology of Education and Culture at Uppsala University

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Geometric Data Analysis

Graduate course (forskarutbildningskurs),  8-12 Sept. 2014
Arranged by SEC (Sociology of Education and Culture), Uppsala University

Corse coordinators:
Mikael Börjesson <>, + 46 (0) 73 762 70 25
Tobias Dalberg <>, + 46 (0) 70 369 71 21 Responsible:

General information
On the French guest teachers
Course material to be downloaded
Data set for the exercises

General information

Time: Monday 8 Sept - Friday 12 Sept 2014, i.e. five full days. The first two and a half day introductory, the last days more advanced.

Location: Uppsala University. All lectures and work sessions take place at room 11:130, Campus Blåsenhus, von Kraemers allé 1. (Campus Blåsenhus is a high-tech buiding with glass front, close to Uppsala Castle and the Botanic Garden, see See maps or visit and search for "Blåsenhus".

Language: English

The course is taught by:
Brigitte Le Roux, CEVIPOF/CNRS (Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po), and Université René Descartes, Paris — Web site
Philippe Bonnet, Université René Descartes, Paris.
Mireille Summa, Université Paris-Dauphine — Web site
Mikael Börjesson, Tobias Dalberg, Donald Broady, SEC, Uppsala University — Web site

The course is offered to researchers, PhD-students and Master students.

Also those who have attended our earlier courses on Geometric Data Analysis (GDA) and correspondence analysis are welcome to participate in this one, and especially the latter part. Much new stuff will probably be offered.

Course materials will be available at this web page.

Each participant is supposed to bring a laptop with the statistical programme SPSS and SPAD (you will get a trial version for the course a few days in advance) installed. Make sure that you have some amount of disk space available. If this causes difficulties, please contact the course coordinators in advance.

We recommend the use of the most recent version of the SPAD software,
This version includes special features (i.a. specific MCA as well as tools for the construction of concentration and confidence ellipses) developed by Brigitte Le Roux et al.
Before the start of the course the participants will receive information on how to download and install SPAD on their laptops. For more information please contact Mikael Börjesson <>,

Admission: To apply for admission send an e-mail to

Programme, GDA course 12-16 Sept, Uppsala University

Monday Sept. 12
10.15-12.00 STATISTICAL LECTURE. Brigitte Le Roux: What is Geometric Data Analysis (GDA)? Basic Geometric Notions (cloud of points, mean point, variance, standard deviation). Principal Axes of a Euclidean Cloud.
12.00-13.15 LUNCH
13.15-15.00 WORK SESSION: SPAD.
15.00-15.30 COFFEE BREAK
15.30-17.30 WORK SESSION: Presentation of participants own research.

Tuesday Sept. 13
10:15-12.00 STATISTICAL LECTURE. Brigitte Le Roux: What is MCA (Multiple Correspondence Analysis)?
12.00-13.15 LUNCH
13.15-15.00 WORK SESSION: SPAD.
15.00-15.30 COFFEE BREAK
15.30-17.30 SOCIOLOGICAL LECTURE. Donald Broady: Pioneers of Correspondence Analysis: Benzécri, Bourdieu, Rouanet, Le Roux.

Wednesday Sept. 14
10:15-12.00 STATISTICAL LECTURE. Brigitte Le Roux: Euclidean Clustering
12.00-13.15 LUNCH
13.15-15.00 SOCIOLOGICAL LECTURE. Mikael Börjesson et al: Cultural capital in the elite subfield of Swedish higher education
15.00-15.30 COFFEE BREAK
15.30-17.30 WORK SESSION. Work with own data

Thursday Sept. 15
10:15-12.00 STATISTICAL LECTURE: Mireille Summa: Exploring Textual Data
12.10-13.15 LUNCH
13.15-15.00 WORK SESSION: SPAD and Text Mining
15.00-15.30 COFFEE BREAK
15.30-17.30 WORK SESSION. Work on own data

Friday Sept. 16
10.15-12.00 STATISTICAL LECTURE AND SOCIOLOGICAL LECTURE. Brigitte Le Roux & Philippe Bonnet: Class Specific Analysis. Theory and Practise.
12.15-13.15 LUNCH
13.15-15.00 WORK SESSION: Work on own data


On the French guest teachers

The mathematician Brigitte Le Roux is  an associate researcher at CEVIPOF/CNRS (Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po), and also since many years affiliated to the laboratory of Applied Mathematics (MAP5/CNRS and Université Paris Descartes).

She did complete her doctoral dissertation with J.-P. Benzécri and has written several books with the late Henry Rouanet. Among the books written by Brigitte Le Roux and Henry Rouanet are the standard work Geometric Data Analysis. From Correspondence Analysis to Structured Data Analysis (Kluwer, 2004) and Multiple Correspondence Analysis (Sage, 2010).

Today Brigitte Le Roux is world leading specialist in the French "analyse des données" tradition. This statistical tradition, founded by Jean-Paul Benzécri in the 1960's and the 1970's, has in recent years often been called "Geometric Data Analysis." It includes methods such as Correspondence Analysis (CA), Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) and versions of Euclidean Classification. In the social sciences the most well-known application is multiple correspondence analyses of the distribution of individuals and properties within "social fields" in Bourdieu's sense, but the tradition has much more to offer.

Brigitte Le Roux and Henry Rouanet have not only been the most prominent trustees of Jean-Paul Benzécri's scholarly heritage. They have also made significant contributions of their own—such as "specific multiple correspondence analysis" and the visualisation programme EyeLID—that are used in current research, particularly by social scientists inspired by the works by Pierre Bourdieu and his collaborators. Brigitte Le Roux and Henry Rouanet were among Pierre Bourdieu's close collaborators during his last years and did for example take part in the Bourdieu's last empirical study, on the French field of publishers (reported in Actes, no 126-127, March 1999) where he for the first time made use of the specific multiple correspondence analysis. Outside of  France, Brigitte Le Roux and Henry Rouanet have taken part in studies on lifestyles in the United Kingdom, in the Norwegian study on power and in a series of studies on  Swedish fields of higher education and culture.

Another guest teacher in the technical lectures and workshop will be Philippe Bonnet, a CNRS social psychologist and statistician at the Cognitive Psychology and Neuropsychology Laboratory of Paris Descartes University (LPNCog), who during many years collaborated with H. Rouanet and B. Le Roux.

Mireille Summa is a specialist in, i.a., GDA of textual data. She is Maître de conférences at Université Paris-Dauphine where she is also researcher at CEREMADE, a centre for applied mathematics.

Course material to be downloaded

The following material was created by Brigitte Le Roux for the Uppsala course on GDA in September 2012:

Geometric Data Analysis (GDA). I. Introduction
Geometric Data Analysis (GDA). II. Principal Axes of a Euclidean Cloud
Geometric Data Analysis (GDA). III. Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA)

The following material was created Brigitte Le Roux and Henry Rouanet for the Uppsala course on Correspondence Analysis in September 2006.

Geometric Data Analysis:
 I - Overview of Geometric Data Analysis
 II - Basic Notions of Geometric Data Analysis
 III - Introduction to Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA)
 IV - Introduction to Euclidean Clustering
 V - Structured Data Analysis
 VI - Inductive Data Analysis

Philippe Bonnet & Brigitte Le Roux: Geometric Data Analysis. Application to a Racism Survey

Brigitte le Roux, Mikael Börjesson, Philippe Bonnet: Performing Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) USING SPAD 1 (VERSION 6.5)

See also the paper publication Le Roux, Brigitte & Henry Rouanet: Multiple Correspondence Analysis, Sage, QASS n°163, CA: Thousand Oaks, 2010, and Brigitte Le Roux's website

Data set for the exercises

For some of the exercises during the course several datasets will be used (Culture example, Taste example). These datasets are used in examples in the book Le Roux & Rouanet, Geometric Data Analysis, op.cit., 2004, or Le Roux & Rouanet, Multiple Correspondence Analysis, op.cit., 2010.
"Taste example": dataset in Excel format (200 KB)
"Culture example": dataset in SPSS format (56 KB)
"Culture example": dataset in SPAD format (137 KB)


Primary Course Literature

Le Roux, Brigitte & Henry Rouanet: Multiple Correspondence Analysis, CA-Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2010 (117 p.).

Broady, Donald: "Sociologi och statistik”, pp. 473-527 in Sociologi och epistemologi. Stockholm; HLS Förlag, 2 ed. 1991 (or pp. 479-534 in 1 ed. 1990). (55 p.)
Download <>

Börjesson, Mikael: Transnationella utbildningsstrategier vid svenska lärosäten och bland svenska studenter i Paris och New York. Ak. avh., Disputationsupplaga, Rapporter från Forskningsgruppen för utbildnings- och kultursociologi, nr 37, SEC/ILU, Uppsala universitet, Uppsala 2005, pp. 35-44, 81-183, 480-490. (125 p.)
Download <>

Lebaron, Frédéric: L’enquête quantitative en sciences sociales : Recueil et analyse des données. Paris: Dunod, 2006. (182 p.)

Additional papers and articles, 120 p.

In all: 600 pages


Reference Books

Benzécri, Jean-Paul et al.: L'Analyse des Données. II. L'analyse des correspondances [1973]. Paris: Dunod, 4° edition 1982.

Benzécri, Jean-Paul: Correspondence Analysis Handbook. New York: Dekker, 1992.

Le Roux, Brigitte & Henry Rouanet: Geometric Data Analysis. From Correspondence Analysis to Structured Data Analysis. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004 (especially pp. 1-74, 179-250, 333-418).

Lebart, Ludovic, Alain Morineau & Kenneth M. Warwick: Multivariate Descriptive Statistical Analysis. Correspondence Analysis and Related Techniques for Large Matrices [1977]. New York: Wiley, 1984.


Other references about GDA, CA and MCA

Benzécri, Jean-Paul: "Qu’est-ce que l’analyse des données ?" Text written by J-P. Benzécri for the first international conference on CA and related methods (CARME) read by Brigitte le Roux, Barcelona, June 2003.

Escofier, Brigitte & J. Pagès: Analyses factorielles simples et multiples. Paris: Dunod, 1988.

Greenacre, Michael J. & Jörg Blasius (Eds.): Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006.

Hjellbrekke, Johs.: Innføring i korrespondanseanalyse. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 1991.

Rosenlund, Lennart: "Korrespondanseanalyse. Dataanalysens magiske øye," Sosiologisk tidsskrift, nr 1 1995, pp. 55-78.

Rouanet, Henry, Frédéric Lebaron, Viviane Le Hay, Werner Ackermann & Brigitte Le Roux: "Régression et analyse géométrique des données : Réflexions et suggestions," Math. Sci. Hum., 40e année, no 160, 2002, pp. 13-45.

Rouanet, Henry, et al.: New Ways in Statistical Methodology. From Significance Tests to Bayesian Inference. Berne: Peter Lang, 1998.

Volle, Michel: Analyse des données. Paris: Economica, 1985.


Recent applications

Bonnet, Philipe, Brigitte Le Roux & Gérard Lemaine: Analyse géométrique des données : une enquête sur le racisme, Math. et Sc. Hum., n° 136, article.

Börjesson, Mikael: Transnationella utbildningsstrategier vid svenska lärosäten och bland svenska studenter i Paris och New York. Ak. avh., Disputationsupplaga, Rapporter från Forskningsgruppen för utbildnings- och kultursociologi, nr 37, SEC/ILU, Uppsala universitet, Uppsala 2005.

Bourdieu, Pierre: "Une révolution conservatrice dans l’édition" (A conservative revolution in publishing), Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, no 126-127, mars 1999, pp. 3-28

Chiche, Jean, Brigitte Le Roux, Pascal Perrineau & Henry Rouanet: "L'espace politique des électeurs français à la fin des années 1990: nouveaux et anciens clivages, hétérogénéité des électorats", Revue française de science politique, vol 50, no 3, 2000.

Denord, François, Johs Hjellbrekke, Olav Korsnes, Frédéric Lebaron & Brigitte Le Roux: "Social capital in the field of power: the case of Norway",, The Sociological Review, Volume 59, Issue 1, February 2011, pp. 86-108.

Duval, Julien: "Le champ du cinéma français au début des années 2000," Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, no 161-162, mars 2006, pp. 96-115.

Ekelund, Bo G. and Mikael Börjesson: "Comparing literary worlds: An analysis of the spaces of fictional universes in the work of two US prose fiction debut cohorts, 1940 and 1955,"  Poetics, Volume 33, Issues 5-6 (October-December 2005).

Hjellbrekke, Johs. et al.: "The Norweigian Field of Power Anno 2000," European Societies, Volume 9, Issue 2, 2007, ppp.  245-273.

Le Roux, Brigitte and Henry Rouanet: Geometric Analysis of Individual Differences, 2003, to be downloaded from EPGY (Educational Program for Gifted Youth), Stanford University, (36 pages)

Le Roux, Brigitte, Henry Rouanet, Mike Savage and Alan Warde, "Class ans Cultural Division in the UK", Sociology 2008; 42; 1049-1071. ( (abstract)

Lebaron, Frédéric: "Economists and the Economic Order. The field of economists and the field of power in France," European Societies, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2001, pp. 91-110.

Rosenlund, Lennart: "Sosiale strukturer og deres metamorfoser," Sosiologisk tidsskrift, nr 1 1998, pp. 45-74.



Bourdieu, Pierre: La distinction. Critique sociale du jugement. Paris: Minuit, 1979 (2 extended ed. 1982), kap 2-6, pp. 109-431 [English translation Distinction. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1984, pp. 99-371.]

Bourdieu, Pierre: Homo academicus. Paris: Minuit, 1984.

Bourdieu, Pierre: La Noblesse d’État. Grandes écoles et esprit de corps. Paris: Minuit, 1989.

Bourdieu, Pierre & de Saint Martin, Monique: "Le patronat," Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, vol. IV, no 20-21, mars-avril 1978, pp. 3-82.

Bourdieu, Pierre & de Saint Martin, Monique: "Anatomie du goût," Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, vol. II, no 5, octobre 1976, pp. 2-82, 89-112.

Lebaron, Frédéric: L’enquête quantitative en sciences sociales : Recueil et analyse des données. Paris: Dunod, 2006.

Rouanet, Henry/Ackermann, Werner/Le Roux, Brigitte: The Geometric Analysis of questionnaires: The lesson of Bourdieu's La Distinction.




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© 2016 SEC, Uppsala universitet |  Responsible: Donald Broady | Last updated 28 September, 2019