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Utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Sociology of Education and Culture at Uppsala University

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 URL of this page is broady/sec/alter-21.htm 

Föreläsningar, seminarier, konferenser, kurser 2021
anordnade på annat håll men av intresse för SEC

(Lectures, seminars, conferences not arranged by SEC but of interest to SEC)


2021-05-19 – 2021-05-20.   Virtuell konferens Forskning om högre utbildning, digital, arr. Örebro univ.
2021-03-10.   Virtual round table On Bourdieu's Travail et travailleurs en Algérie.
2021-05-26 – 2021-05-28.   Virtual conference Elites and Their Challengers? Bridging Sociological and Political Science Approaches, ECPR Panel workshops.
2021-06-14 – 2021-06-25 .  Virtual conference ISCHE 42, arr. by ISCHE (International Standing Conference for the History of Education)
2021-09-30.  Symposium Oumbärliga samtal för det öppna samhället, Uppsala.

Previous years

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Virtual round table, 10 March 2021

Round table on Bourdieu's Travail et travailleurs en Algérie

Copy of posting to the SEC list:

Subject: Digital round table on Bourdieu's Travail et travailleurs en Algérie
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2021 22:34:03 +0100
From: Donald Broady <>

This evening an interesting digital round table event (language mainly French) took place, streamed both from the site of l’Université du Québec à Montréal and at Facebook Live. It was devoted to "Travail et travailleurs en Algérie", the important and in many respects pioneering work from 1963 by Bourdieu and some statisticians. A few months ago a new edition was published by Éditions Raisons d'agir, comprising the second part (pp. 253-389, authored by Bourdieu) of the original book together with some additions. Among the participating speakers where the editors of the last-mentioned book, Amín Pérez and Tassadit Yacine, as well as i.a. Johan Heilbron, Franck Poupeau, Gisèle Sapiro, George Steinmetz, and Loïc Wacquant. To me not the least Steinmetz’ talk was illuminating and astonishing since he did locate young Bourdieu in the period around 1960 in the context a very extensive network of French social scientists in Africa who were connected and in different ways contributed to the research on societies under colonial rule – some of them for quite a while before Bourdieu arrived in Algeria. A salutary correction of the simplified conception of Bourdieu’s work as a one man's achievement. Raisons d'agir has promised to make a recoding of the round table available at their site

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Listansvarig är

Virtuell konferens 19–20 maj 2021

Forskning om högre utbildning

Konferens, Örebro universitet, 19–20 maj 2021.

Helt digital.

Detta är den andra konferensen i serien Forskning om högre utbildning. Den första anordnades av Lunds universitet våren 2018.


Arr.: Högskolepedagogiskt centrum vid Örebro universitet och tidskriften Högre utbildning.

Keynote-anföranden av Tone Dyrdal, universitetet i Oslo, och Sharon Rider, Uppsala universitet.

Virtual conference 26-28 May 2021

Elites and Their Challengers? Bridging Sociological and Political
Science Approaches

26-28 May 2021

A panel within ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research).
Panel Number: VIRTUAL010
How to apply:
Deadline for abstracts: 8th of February, 2021

General description
The aim for this workshop is to bring together studies of elites and their challengers to advance our understanding of elites. Most contemporary societies face rising inequalities, fall in trust in traditional representative institutions and personalization and mediatization of politics (Friedman and Laurison, 2020). Debates on the ’super-rich’, ’the 1 %’ or a ’global power elite’ have increased the need for cross-disciplinary debates on elite reproduction and integration as elites span and cross sector boundaries. In the same time, the rise of populist parties as well as social movements demanding wider representation of social groups (eg women and ethnic minorities), reflect lack of cirulation at the top and need for studies on elite challengers (Johansson & Uhlin 2020). To accomplish this greater integration of political science and sociological approaches on elites and their challengers is needed.
     Political science scholars often capture formal political elites, their (lack of) legitimacy, representation and accountability, and the conseqences from their behaviour (e.g. Dalhström and Wägnerud 2015; Best and Higley 2017; Dowding and Dumont 2009, 2015; Cotta and Best 2007;). Sociological approaches largely focus on what shapes elites and elite positions as reflected in the study of the culture, capital and career trajectories (Hartmann 2007; Khan 2012a & b; Scott 2012; Savage & Williams 2008). Challengers have been less explored, a gap this workshop seeks to cover, by also addressing civil society elites alongside political or business elites as these potentially act as counter elites and/or challengers to elites (Pareto 1991).
     To enhance cross-fertilization across disciplinary boundaries, the workshop proposes three core questions for potential contributions.


A. What resources and modes of reproduction shape elites?
The workshop invites papers that theorise ’pathways to power’ and the impact of education, class and social origin in reaching top positions across sectors. This includes papers which focuses on the mechanisms that lead to homogenious social composition of elites with regards to their gender, class or ethnic structure and the consequences from this for social and political representation (Edling 2014; Göransson 2007, Zweigenhaft & Domhoff 1999).

B. What mechanisms promote elite integration?
The workshop invites papers that studies mobility between sectors or social networks and their interlocking effects across public, business and civil society boardrooms (Mills 1956; Mizruchi 1996; Useem 1984). Of key concern here is under what conditions such mobility is possible and/or restricted, which factors seem to enhance and/or restrict such sector-mobility and the consequences of such integration for theorizing of elites and challengers.

C. What separates challengers from counter-elites?
Sociologists and political scientists have studied counter elites, as a non-ruling elite or challengers to elites as in social movement literature (e.g. Hutter & Borbáth 2019; Norris & Inglehart 2019). Elites’ use of populist resources and the extensive professionalization of civil society raise questions on what currently constitutes counter elites and challenger to elites. The workshop invites papers that study the emergence of counter elites, their overlap/interconnectedness with actors in elite positions and their grounds in movements demanding greater social, gender and climate justice. We welcome theoretical as well as empirical papers and aim to bring together papers studying different elite groups.

For more information, please contact
Håkan Johansson <>, Professor, Lund University, Sweden, Chair of the conference.
Trygve Gulbrandsen <>, Professor, Institute for Social Research, Oslo, Co-Chair of the conference.

Virtual conference 14-25 June 2021


14-25 June 2021

Arranged by ISCHE (International Standing Conference for the History of Education)

Paper proposals to be submitted no later than 5 Febr. 2021 to:


Ombärliga samtal för det öppna samhället

Tid: Tisd. 30 sept. 2021 kl. 15.00–19.00.
Plats: Brusewitzsalen, ingång från Östra Ågatan 19, Uppsala
samt på webbplattformen Zoom.

Del 1. "Oumbärliga samtal". En paneldiskussion med författare från antologin Oumbärliga samtal. Humaniora och samhällsvetenskap i svensk offentlig debatt, Daidalos, Göteborg 2020. Panel: Sverker Gustavsson, Sharon Rider, Urban Lundberg & Anna Victoria Hallberg. Inledningsanförande: Torbjörn Elensky.

Del 2."Det fria samtalets framtid". Inledningsanförande: Kay Glans. Huvudanförande: David Goodhart. Slutord: Li Bennich-Björkman.

Symposiet arrangeras av Johannes Heuman, Jenni Sandström och Sten Widmalm.

Anmälan: kontakta senast 23 september. Ange om du vill du delta på plats eller via Zoom. Kostnadsfritt.


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© 2021 SEC, Uppsala universitet |  Responsible: Donald Broady | Last updated 22 September, 2021