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Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC)

Nordic Fields of Higher Education




Network meeting I.
2011-10-26 - 2011-10-28, Uppsala
A three day conference at Uppsala University where network members and institutions present ongoing research. Planning of courses and conference



Network meeting II.
2012-04-19 - 2012-04-20, Olso
A two day conference at NIFU, Oslo, with focus on joint research applications.


PhD-course I Research methods: Geometric Data Analysis, software: SPAD.
2012-09-03 - 2012-09-07
Arranged by SEC at Uppsala University. French guest teachers invited.  

Network meeting III.
2012-10-11 - 2012-10-12
A two day conference in Uppsala, on the topics: presentation of RUSE, discussions on applications of NordForsk CoE, presentation of NFHE project funded by NordForsk 2013-2015. 



Network meeting IV.
2013-04-11 - 2013-04-12
A two day conference at the department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen on
1) Transitions and recruitment-patterns in relation to choice of higher education, 2) Retention and drop out from higher education, and 3) The project Nordic Fields of Higher Education.

PhD-course II. Capital and Field. Methods for the Study of Education and Culture.
2013-01-17 - 2013-05-02.
Arranged by SEC at Uppsala University   

PhD-Course III Choices of Higher Education, reasons and consequences
2013-04-21 - 2013-04-23.
Arranged by CPS, Oslo and Akershus University College of applied sciences. 


Network meeting V.
A two day conference in Turku, devoted to planning of future joint activities.  



PhD-Course IV. A course event is planned on comparative research on fields of higher education. Arranged by the University of Copenhagen.  

A Nordic Conference "Research on Nordic Fields of Higher Education" is arranged in Oslo with NIFU as host. The aim is to present ongoing research within the framework of the network to larger audience. The target groups are researcher with a special interest in higher education, national administrators and policymakers within higher education. The program will focus the three general themes of the network: a) Fields of higher education. b) Student mobility and trajectories. c) Comparative research.

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