Uppsala universitet
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(updated 8/6 2011)

Scholz, Achim , Phd (University of Wupperthal) & Gippert, Markus: West German school magazines - features of particular school- and youth cultures in the 1950s and 1960s

Aubry, Carla, lic.phil (University of Zurich): The Value of Education – Financing Common Schools in the 19th Century in Winterthur (Switzerland).  

Bernhardsson, Peter, M.A (Uppsala University): Private teachers and language Education, 1800-1850.

Brühwiler, Ingrid, lic.phil (University of Luxembourg): Financing of the school system around 1800 in the Helvetic Republic.

Edquist, Samuel, PhD (Södertörn University): The Financing of Adult Education 1872-1991.

Eigenmann, Philipp, lic. phil (University of Zurich): Reorganizing public schools? Local school reform practices in Zurich (1995-2000).

Forsberg, Håkan, M.A (Södertörn/Uppsala university): Strategies among public schools in the market of education – from the municipality point of view in Stockholm, 1990-2010. 

Gerdenitsch, Claudia, PhD (University of Graz): Teachers' Discours on Rural Schools in Austria 1868-1925. 

Hansen, Sune Jon (University of Copenhagen): Educating the countryside: on the divergences between local practices and the logics of the state apparatus in late 18th century Denmark

Larsson, Esbjörn, PhD (Uppsala University): The Economy of the Monitorial System, 1820-1870.

Lenz, Thomas & Rohstock, Anne, PhD,  (University of Luxembourg): How schools change school reforms. International reform agendas and their local perceptions in Luxembourg 1945-2010

Michaelsson, Madeleine, M.A (Uppsala University): Common schools at mills and ironworks, 1850-1900.

Prytz, Sara Backman, M.A (Uppsala University): Gender and class in Swedish student-magazines, 1870-1930.

Rimm, Stefan, M.A (Örebro University): Textbook supply in 18th century Sweden: some examples

Voss, Peter, PhD, (University of Luxembourg): The Role of Journalism in 19th century Luxembourg School Politics: The Luxemburger Schulbote

Westberg, Johannes, PhD, (Uppsala University): The History of Swedish School Finance Reforms, 1842-1900.

Participating without presentation
Prytz, Johan, PhD (Uppsala University)
Svensson, Magnus, PhD-student (Uppsala University)
Selander, Therese Tamm, PhD-student (Uppsala University)
Åkerlund, Andreas, PhD (Uppsala University)