Moderna l�romedel f�r 1870-talet, Part 4


Moderna l�romedel f�r 1870-talet, intro

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


M. Utl�ndska arbeten

437 M1 Michelsen, Carl: Forslag til et let fatteligt Sangnode-system. Af Carl Michelsen, organist i Skanderborg. Trykt som manuskript. Horsens. A. Backhausens Bog- og stentrykkeri. 1878. [Utan exlibris.]

438 M2 Raben N. C.: Apparat til skriftl�sning is�r til brug i Almueskoler samlet af N. C. Raben. L�rer ved Borgerskolen i Odense. Paa cancellieraad S. Hempels og eget forlag. Lithograferet i Merseburg 1840.

439 M3 Floderus, M. M.: Apparat f�r den ersten Unterricht in den vier Rechnungsarten mit ganzen Zahlen und Decimalen von D:r M. M. Floderus. Stockholm, 1873. [Utan exlibris.]

440 M4 Der Anschauungs-Unterricht f�r die zwei ersten Schuljahre. Bearbeitet von Victor August J�ger, Pfarrer in K�ngen. Stuttgart. Druck und Verlag der Chr. Belserschen Verlagshandlung. 1864.

441 M5 Erl�uterungsbericht zu dem Modell einer Turnhalle, ausgestellt von dem K�niglich Preussischen Unterrichts-Ministerium. Berlin, Mai 1876. [Utan exlibris.]

444 M8 Instruktion f�r die Gemeinde-Schulcommissionen in Angelegenheit der Durchf�hrung des Gesetzartikels XXXVIII. v. J. 1868 �ber den Volksschulunterricht. Herausgeben von dem k. ung. Minister f�r Kultus und �ffentlichen Unterricht. Ofen, 1869. Aus der k�nigl.ungarischen Universit�ts-Buchdruckerei. [Utan exlibris.]

446 M10 Culturhistorische Wandtafeln gezeichnet von Alphons Holl�nder, Jean Br�ck und Carl L�decke, herausgegeben von Dr. Hermann Luchs. Erste Reihe in 50 Tafeln. Text. Lieferung I. Breslau, 1875. Verlag von Wilh. Gottl. Korn. [Utan exlibris.]

446 M10 Culturhistorische Wandtafeln gezeichnet von Alphons Holl�nder, Jean Br�ck und Carl L�decke, herausgegeben von Dr. Hermann Luchs. Erste Reihe in 50 Tafeln. Text. Lieferung II. Breslau, 1876. Verlag von Wilh. Gottl. Korn. [Utan exlibris.]

446 M10 Culturhistorische Wandtafeln gezeichnet von Alphons Holl�nder, Jean Br�ck und Carl L�decke, herausgegeben von Dr. H. Luchs. Erl�uternder Text. Lieferung III und IV (Schluss) Breslau, 1878. Verlag von Wilh. Gottl. Korn. [Utan exlibris.]

* Culturhistorische Wandtafeln gezeichnet von Alphons Holl�nder, Jean Br�ck und Carl L�decke, herausgegeben von Dr. H. Luchs. Erl�uternder Text. Lieferung III und IV (Schluss) Breslau, 1878. Verlag Wilh. Gottl. Korn. [Utan exlibris.]

447 M11 Bohrmann, K.: Schulkunde f�r evangelische Volksschullehrer auf Grund der Preussischen Regulative vom 1.,2. u 3. October 1854 �ber Einrichtung des evangelischen Seminar-, Pr�paranden- und Elementar-Unterrichts bearbeitet von R. Bohrmann, Provinzial-Schulrath in Berlin. Elfte verbesserte Auflage. Berlin, Verlag von Wiegandt und Grieben. 1864.

448 M12 Goltzsch, Emil Theodor: Einrichtungs- und Lehrplan f�r Dorfschulen, insbesondere f�r solche, an denen nur ein Lehrer angestellt ist. Von Emil Theodor Goltzsch, Seminar-Director in Stettin. Zweite vermehrte Auflage. Berlin, Verlag von Wiegandt und Grieben. 1853.

449 M13 St�tzner, Heinrich Ernst: Schulen f�r schwachbef�higte Kinder. Erster Entwurf zur Begr�ndung derselben von Heinrich Ernst St�tzner, Taubstummenlehrer zu Leipzig. Leipzig und Heidelberg, C. F. Wintersche Verlagshandlung. 1864.

450 M14 Zwez, W.: Das Schulhaus und dessen innere Einrichtung. F�r alle bei Schulbauten Betheiligte: Lehrer, Schulvorst�nde, Bauverst�ndige und Aufsichtsbeh�rden. Von W. Zwez, [...] Weimar, Hermann B�hlau. 1864.

451 M15 Pinet, A.: De lorganisation p�dagogique des �coles. Dapr�s M. Villemereux, inspecteur g�n�ral de lenseignement primaire. Par A. Pinet, officier de lInstruction publique, inspecteur de lenseignement primaire, d�l�gu� pr�s de ladministration centrale. Ouvrage couronn� par la Societ� pour linstruction �l�mentaire. Deuxi�me �dition. Paris. Dezobry, Fd Tandou et Cie, lib.-�diteurs. Rue des �coles, 78 (Pr�s du Mus�e de Cluny et de la Sorbonne). 1862.

452 M16 Charbonneau, M.: Cours th�orique et pratique de p�dagogie. Par M. Charbonneau, directeur de l�cole normale des Deux-S�vres, officier de lInstruction publique. Paris, Dezobby, Fd Tandou et Cie, libraires-�diteurs. Rue des �coles, 78 (Pr�s du Mus�e de Cluny et de la Sorbonne). 1862.

455 M19 Chamoneys, W. Weldon.: The Church Catechism made Plain; with Texts of Scripture: for Schools and Young Persons. By W. Weldon Champneys, M. A., Rector of Whitechapel and Canon residentiary of St. Pauls. Tenth edition, revised and corrected. London: Wertheim, Macintosh, and Hunt, 24, Paternoster Row, and 23, Holles Street, Cavendish Square. 1858. [Utan exlibris.]

456 M20 The A, B, C, with the Shorter Catechism, agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, and appointed by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, to be a directory for catechising such as are of weaker capacity. Printed by authority. Sold by Francis Orr & Sons, Wholesale & Export Stationers & Publishers, Glasgow. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

457 M21 Scripture Lessons, for the Use of Schools. Old Testament. No. I. Printed and published by direction of the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Dublin: Alex. Thom & Sons, Printers and Publishers, 87 & 88, Abbey-Street. Longman, Green, & Co., and Groombridge & Sons, London. 1862.

457 M21 Scripture Lessons, for the Use of Schools. Old Testament. No. II. Printed and published by direction of the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Dublin: Alex. Thom & Sons, Printers and Publishers, 87 & 88, Abbey-Street. Longman, Green, & Co., and Groombridge & Sons, London. 1862.

458 M22 Scripture Lessons, for the Use of Schools. New Testament, No. I. Printed and published by direction of the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Dublin: Alex. Thom & Sons, Printers and Publishers, 87 & 88, Abbey-Street. Longman, Green, & Co., and Groombridge & Sons, London. 1862.

458 M22 Scripture Lessons, for the Use of Schools. New Testament, No. II. Printed and published by direction of the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Dublin: Alex. Thom & Sons, Printers and Publishers, 87 & 88, Abbey-Street. Longman, Green, & Co., and Groombridge & Sons, London. 1862.

459 M23 The Christian Sabbath, considered in its Various Aspects. By Ministers of different denominations. With preface, by the Hon. and Rev. baptist W. Noel. "God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it." Gen. ii. 3. "The Sabbath was made for man." Mark ii. 10. "I was in the spirit on the Lords-day." Rev. i. 10. Peoples edition. The Religious Tract and Book Society of Scotland. (Depositories, 13, South St. Andrew-street, Edinburgh; and 120, & 121, Queen-street, Glasgow); and sold by the booksellers. 1856.

460 M24 Riddle, J. E.: A Manual of the Whole Scripture History and of the History of the Jews between the Periods of the Old and New Testaments. Including notices of biblical antiquites and geography; oriental manners and customs; historic parallels and contemporary events; the structure and import of the Jewish ritual; and a survey of the nature and design of the successive dispensations, Patriarchal, Mosaic, and Christian. With questions for examination. For the use of schools and families. By the Rev. J. E. Riddle, M. A. Author of Outlines of Scripture History A Manual of Christian Antiquities Ecclesiastical Chronology Household Prayers Bampton Lectures for 1852 An English-Latin and Latin-English Dictionary &c. Eleventh edition. London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. 1862.

461 M25 Darnell, George: Grammar made Intelligible for Children: being A series of short and simple rules, with ample explanations of every difficulty, and copious exercises for parsing, in language adapted to the comprehension of very young students. By George Darnell. [...] Stereotype edition. London: Griffith and Farran, Corner of St. Pauls Church Yard. MDCCCLX.

462 M26 First Book of Arithmetic for the Use of Schools. Revised and corrected. Printed and published by direction of the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Dublin: Alex. Thom & Sons, Printers and Publishers, 87 & 88, Abbey-Street. Longman, Green, & Co., and Groombridge & Sons, London. 1862. [Utan exlibris.]

463 M27 Key to first Book of Arithmetic, for the Use of Schools. Printed and published by direction of the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Dublin: Alex. Thom & Sons, Printers and Publishers, 87 & 88, Abbey-Street. Longman, Green, & Co., and Groombridge & Sons, London. Fraser & Co., Edinburgh. 1860.

464 M28 Hiley, Richard: The Arithmetical Companion, intended, by miscellaneous examples, to perfect the pupil in a knowledge of arithmetic; to which are added, Mensuration, book-keeping, and mental calculations. By Richard Hiley, Principal of the Collegiate and Commercial School, Thorp-Arch, near Tadcaster; Author of an "English Grammar." "Latin Grammar." &c. Fifth edition, revised. London. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. 1860.

465 M29 Crossley, John T. & Martin, William: The Intellectual Calculator or Manual of Practical Arithmetic; comprehending, with all the usual rules, a much larger number of business questions on each elementary rule than has been ever before published. And A complete course of mental arithmetic, reduced for the first time to a system: embracing all the arithmetical requisites of the school, the counting house, and the shop. By John T. Crossley, joint author of "Daily Lesson Books," &c., &c. and William Martin, author of "The Educator," "Educational Magazine," "Illustrated Natural Philosophy," etc., etc. /Public School Edition./ Seventy-second edition. London: Depository of British and Foreign School Society, Borough Road. 1861.

466 M30 McLeod, Walter: Arithmetical Questions: Comprising a systematic course of mental arithmetic. Designed as an appendix to "Exercises in Arithmetic for Elementary schools." After the method of Pestalozzi. By Walter McLeod, F.R.G.S., Head Master of the Model School, Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea; author of "The Geography of Palestine, or the Holy Land;" "A first and second poetical Reading Book;" "An explanatory English Grammar," etc. Part I. Whole Numbers. "A man cannot have too much of Arithmetic." Locke. The seventeenth edition. London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, and Roberts. 1858.

466 M30 McLeod, Walter: Arithmetical Questions: Comprising a systematic course of mental arithmetic. Designed as an appendix to "Exercises in Arithmetic for Elementary schools." After the method of Pestalozzi. By Walter McLeod, F.R.G.S., Head Master of the Model School, Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea; author of "The Geography of Palestine, or the Holy Land;" "A First and Second Poetical Reading Book;" "An Explanatory English Grammar," etc. Part II. The Theory and Practice of Fractional Arithmetic. The tenth edition. "The chief advantage of Mental Arithmetic is, the wonderful manner in which it disciplines some of the most important faculties of the mind, particularly those of attention, abstraction, and reasoning." The School and the Schoolmaster. London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans. 1855.

467 M31 McLeod, Walter: The Six Standards of Arithmetic. Standard I. Containing a graduated course of lessons and six hundred and fifty questions, in mental and slate arithmetic. For infant schools and junior classes. By Walter McLeod, F.R.G.S., Head Master of the Model School, Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea; author of "A Manual of Arithmetic" "An Explanatory English Grammar," etc. Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green. 1862.

468 M32 McLeod, Walter: A Manual of Arithmetic; Containing a graduated series of questions for elementary instruction. By Walter McLeod, F.R.G.S. Head Master of the Model school, and Master of Method, Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. Author of "The Geography of Palestine, or the Holy Land;" "A First and Second Reading-book;" "A First and Second Poetical Reading-book", "An Explanatory English Grammar," etc. /Gleigs school series/ New edition. London. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. 1862.

469 M33 Cornwell, James & Fitch, Joshua G.: The School Arithmetic, formerly called Arithmetic for Beginners. By James Cornwell, Ph. D.; and Joshua G.Fitch, M.A. Authors of "Science of Arithmetic;" Key to "School Arithmetic" etc. Sixth edition. London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., Stationers Court; Hamilton, Adams and Co., Paternoster Row. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. 1862.

470 M34 A Treatise on Arithmetic in Theory and Practice: for the use of the Irish National Schools. Printed and published by direction of the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Dublin: Alex. Thom & Sons, Printers and Publishers, 87 & 88, Abbey-Street. Longman, Green, & Co., and Groombridge & Sons, London. 1862.

470 M34 A Key to the Treatise on Arithmetic in Theory and Practice: for the use of the Irish National Schools. Printed and published by direction of the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Dublin: Alex. Thom & Sons, Printers and Publishers, 87 & 88, Abbey-Street. Longman, Green, & Co., and Groombridge & Sons, London; Fraser & Co., Edinburgh. 1860.

471 M35 Algebra. Theoretical and Practical. /Chambers Educational Course Edited by W. and R. Chambers./ Edinburgh: published by William and Robert Chambers. 1851.

472 M36 Cornwell, James & Fitch, Joshua G.: The Science of Arithmetic: A Systematic Course of Numerical Reasoning & Computation, with very Numerous Exercises. By James Cornwell, Ph. D. and Joshua G. Fitch, M.A. Eigth edition. London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., Stationers Hall Court; Hamilton, Adams, and Co., Paternoster Row. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. 1862.

473 M37 Exercises in Arithmetics for Elementary Schools. After the method of Pestalozzi. Under the sanction of the Comittee of Council on Education. London. Published by authority, by John W. Parker, West Strand. 1849.

(474 M124) Hiley, Richard: Progressive Geography; Consisting of four courses, divided into appropriate lessons, with numerous exercises attached to each; the whole adapted to the junior classes in classical and commercial schools. By Richard Hiley, late Principal of Thorp-Arch Grange School, near Tadcaster; Author of an "English Grammar." "Latin Grammar," &c. Eighth edition, revised. London. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. 1862. [Ursprungligen numrerad 474 M 38, 38 sedan �ndrat till 124.]

424 M38 Compendium of Geography; being an abridgement of the larger work, entitled An Epitome of Geographical Knowledge, Ancient and Modern, compiled for the use of the teachers and advanced classes of the national schools in Ireland. New edition, revised. Printed and published by direction of the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Dublin: Alex. Thom & Sons, Printers and Publishers, 87 & 88, Abbey-Street. Longman, Green, & Co., and Groombridge & Sons, London. 1862.

475 M39 Cunningham, Mary: Abridgement of Dr. Butlers Modern and Ancient Geography; arranged in the form of question and answer, for the use of beginners. By Mary Cunningham. Fifth edition. London: Printed for Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, Paternoster-Row. 1846.

476 M40 Goldsmith, J.: A Grammar of General Geography, for the Use of Schools and Young Persons, with maps and engravings. By the Revd. J. Goldsmith. Revised and corrected by Hugh Murray, Esq: author of the Encyclop�dia of Geography &c&c. London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans. [U.�.]

477 M41 Hughes, Edward: Geography for Elementary Schools by Edward Hughes F.R.A.S. F.R.G.S. Associate of the Institution of Civil engineers, Head Master of the Royal Naval School, Greenwich Hospital. First course. Twenty-first edition. "Every one now feels that he is a member of one vast civilised society, which covers the face of earth; and no part of the earth is indifferent to him." Dr. Arnott. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts 1862.

478 M42 Coghlan, Edward: Tables of the Geography of the British Empire and its Dependencies, for the use of school and families, Prepared at the desire of the Comittee of the Home and Colonial School Society. By Edward Coghlan, F.R.G.S., Master of the juvenile school. Third edition, enlarged. London: Home and Colonial School Society, depository Grays-Inn-Road; R. Groombridge and Sons, Paternoster-Row. M.DCCC.LX.

479 M43 Hartley, John: Outlines of Geography. The first course for children. By the Rev. John Hartley. Being an introduction to the Geography for Youth, by the same author. A new edition. London: printed for Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, Paternoster-Row. 1847.

480 M44 Dowling, J.: An Introduction to Goldsmiths Grammar of Geography. For the use of junior pupils. By J. Dowling, late Master of Woodstock boarding school, and author of the Five hundred questions on maps, and Key. A new edition. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, Paternoster-Row. [U.�.]

481 M45 Key to Goldsmiths Grammar of general Geography. London: printed for Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, Paternoster-Row. 1846.

482 M46 The World: an Introduction to General Geography. New edition. London: The National Societys depository, Sanctuary, Westminster. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

483 M47 Physical Geography of England and Wales. London: The National Societys depository, Sanctuary, Westminster. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

484 M48 The Geography of Europe. New edition. London: The National Societys depository, Sanctuary, Westminster. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

485 M49 The Geography of Asia. With a map. London: published by the National Society and sold at the depository, Sanctuary, Westminster. 1853. [Utan exlibris.]

486 M50 The Geography of Africa and South America. London: published by the National Society and sold at the depository, Sanctuary, Westminster. 1855. [Utan exlibris.]

487 M51 The Geography of Palestine; Physical, Political, and Historical. Being Part I. of Scripture Geography. New edition. London: The National Societys depository, Sanctuary, Westminster. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

488 M52 Hewitt, James: Scripture Geography. Part I. Comprising the geography of Palestine, Syria and Ph�nica. By James Hewitt, lecturer on geography at the Training College, Battersea. London: The National Societys depository, Sanctuary, Westminster. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

488 M52 Scripture Geography. Part II. Comprising the geography of Chald�a, Assyria, Arabia, Asia Minor, and other countries mentioned in the Holy Bible. London: the National Societys depository, Sanctuary, Westminster. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

489 M53 Hughes, William: A Childs First Book of Geography arranged in a Series of Easy Reading Lessons by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. Author of "A Manual of Geography," etc. etc. /Gleigs school series./ New Edition. London. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. 1861.

490 M54 Tate, Thomas: Practical Geometry designed for the Use of School and Adult Classes, Artists, Artisans, and Students of Architecture. Containing the construction of all the most useful geometrical problems, with their applications together with descriptions of the construction and use of all the most essential drawing instruments. By Thomas Tate. Author of The Principles of Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Land-Surveying, and Levelling &c. /Gleigs school series./ London. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. 1862.

491 M55 Dowling, J.: Key to the Five Hundred Questions on the Maps of Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, and the British Isles. By J. Dowling. London: printed for Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. Paternoster-Row. 1845.

492 M56 An English Grammar, for the Use of Schools. Printed and published by direction of the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Dublin: Alex. Thom & Sons, Printers and Publishers, 87 & 88, Abbey-Street. Longman, Green, & Co., and Groombridge & Sons, London. 1861.

493 M57 First Book of Lessons for the Use of Schools. Printed and published by direction of the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Dublin: Alexander Thom, Printer and Publisher, 87 & 88, Abbey-Street. Longman, Green, & Co., and Groombridge & Sons, London. 1862. [Utan exlibris.]

493 M57 Second Book of Lessons, for the Use of Schools. Printed and published by direction of the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Dublin: Alexander Thom, Printer and Publisher, 87 & 88, Abbey-Street. Longman, Green, & Co., and Groombridge & Sons, London. 1862.

493 M57 Third Book of Lessons for the Use of Schools. Printed and published by direction of the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Dublin: Alexander Thom, Printer and Publisher, 87 & 88, Abbey-Street. Longman, Green, & Co., and Groombridge & Sons, London. 1862.

494 M58 Sequel No. I. to the Second Book of Lessons, for the Use of Schools. Printed and published by direction of the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Dublin: Alexander Thom, Printer and Publisher, 87 & 88, Abbey-Street. Longman, Green, & Co., and Groombridge & Sons, London. 1862.

495 M59 Bickersteth: Catechetical Exercises on the Apostles Creed: (Chiefly drawn from the exposition of Bishop Pearson.) By Archdeacon Bickersteth, M.A. Author of "Questions illustrating the thirty-nine Articles." Second edition. London: Rivingtons, Waterloo Place. 1861.

496 M60 Johns, C. A.: Gardening for Children. Edited by the Rev. C. A. Johns, B.A., F.L.S. Author of "Botanical Rambles," "Forest Trees of Britain," a "Week at the Lizard," etc. Published under the direction of the Comittee of General Literature and Education, appointed by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. London: Society for promoting Christian Knowledge: Sold at the depositories: Great Queen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields; 4, Royal Exchange; 16, Hanover Street, Hanover Square; and by all booksellers.

497 M61 Tate, Thomas: The Little Philosopher, or The Science of Familiar Things: in which the principles of natural and experimental philosophy are systematically developed from the properties and uses of familiar things. Forming a series of instructive reading-books for young people. Vol. I. Part I. The Chemistry of Familiar Things. Part II. The Mechanics of Familiar Things. Part III. The Physics of Familiar Things. By Thomas Tate, F.R.A.S., late Mathematical professor of the National Societys Training College, Battersea; and formerly lecturer on chemistry in the York School of Medicine; Author of "The Principle of Mechanical Philosophy applied to Industrial Mechanics," etc. New edition. London. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. 1860.

498 M62 Marcet: Lessons on Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals. By Mrs. Marcet, author of "Conversations on Chemistry," &c. &c. Second edition. London: printed for Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans, Paternoster-Row. 1846.

499 M63 Brewer: A Guide to the Scientific Knowledge of Things Familiar. By The Rev. Dr. Brewer, author of "Guide to English History;" "Guide to Grecian History;" "Guide to Roman History;" "Book-keeping by Single and Double Entry;" "A New System of Arithmetical Tables," &c., &c. Fourteenth edition Eighty-ninth thousand. Carefully revised throughout. An appendix of questions without answers has been added to this edition. London: Jarrold and Sons, 47 St. Pauls Churchyard. [U.�.]

500 M64 Hiley, Richard: Practical English Composition; Part I., or Junior Series, consisting of four courses of exercises, progressively arranged, and divided into appropriate lessons. By Richard Hiley, author of an "English Grammar," "Latin Grammar," etc. Twelfth edition. London. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. 1861.

501 M65 Slade, James: Lessons for Sunday Schools, selected from the Scriptures, with Spelling Exercises prefixed, and a few Explanatory Notes. By the Rev. James Slade, M.A. Vicar of Bolton. London: Society for promoting Christian Knowledge: Sold at the depositories; 77, Great Queen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields; 4, Royal Exchange; 16, Hanover Street, Hanover Square; and by all booksellers. [U.�.]

502 M66 Lowres, Jacob: A System of English Parsing and Derivation; with the rudiments of English grammar, including the construction of sentences and a short history of the English language. For the use of schools. Specially adapted to the tuition of pupil teachers. By Jacob Lowres, certificated master. Eighth edition. London. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. 1860.

503 M67 Mann, Robert James: Lessons in General Knowledge. An elementary reading book intended to serve as a familiar and attractive introduction to the principles of natural science. By Robert James Mann, M.D. F.R.A.S. etc. Author of "The Guide to the Knowledge of the Heavens," "The Guide to the Knowledge of Life," etc. New edition. London. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. 1860.

504 M68 Mayo & Mayo: Practical Remarks on Early Education, for the Use of Schools and Private Families. By The Rev. Dr. Mayo, and miss Mayo. Fifth edition, revised and enlarged. Published by the Home and Colonial School Society, and sold at their depository, Grays Inn Road. London: Groombridge and son, Paternoster-Row. 1857.

505 M69 Wilson, A.: Notes, Questions, and Answers on Our Lords Parables. By the Rev. A. Wilson, M.A. London: The National Societys depository, Sanctuary, Westminster. [U.�.]

506 M70 Unwin, William J.: Infant School Reader. By William J. Unwin, M.A., principal of Homerton College. London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. MDCCCLXI.

507 M71 Elements of Book-keeping: in a Series of Short Examples. For the use of schools. Printed and published by direction of the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Dublin: Alex. Thom & Sons, Printers and Publishers, 87 & 88, Abbey-Street. Longman, Green, & Co., and Groombridge & Sons, London. 1861.

507 M71 Key to the Elements of Book-keeping: For the use of schools. Printed and published by direction of the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Dublin: Alex. Thom & Sons, Printers and Publishers, 87 & 88, Abbey-Street. Longman, Green, & Co., and Groombridge & Sons, London; Fraser & Co, Edinburgh. 1861.

508 M72 A Manual of Elementary Instruction, for Infant Schools and Private Tuition. By the author of "Lessons on Objects," "Lessons on the Miracles," etc. Vol. I. London: Home and Colonial School Societys depository, Grays-Inn-Road; Groombridge and Son, Paternoster-Row. 1860.

508 M72 A Manual of Elementary Instruction, for Infant Schools and Private Tuition. By the author of "Lessons on Objects," "Lessons on the Miracles," etc. Vol. II. London: Home and Colonial School Society�s depository, Grays-Inn-Road; Groombridge and Son, Paternoster-Row. 1861.

509 M73 Instructions of the Executive Comittee of the American Tract Society, to colporteurs and agents. Published by the American Tract Society, 150 Nassau-Street, New York. [U.�.]

510 M74 Pearson, Thomas: Evangelical Alliance Prize Essay on Infidelity; its Aspects, Causes, and Agencies. By the Rev. Thomas Pearson, Eyemouth, N.B. Pensantur trutina. Horace. [...] Peoples edition. Fifteenth thousand. London: Partridge, Oakey, & Co., 34, Paternoster Row; and 70, Edgware Road. 1854.

511 M75 Currie, James: The Principles and Practice of School Education by James Currie, A.M., principal of the Church of Scotland Training College, Edinburgh; author of "The Principles and Practice of Early and Infant School-Education," etc. Edinburgh: James Gordon, 51, Hanover Street. London: Hamilton, Adams, & Co. 1862.

512 M76 McLeod, Walter: A New Edition of Carpenters Spelling Assistant. In which the division of words into syllables corresponds with the pronunciation. Besides new and more correct definitions given to many of the words, it contains the following [...] Edited by Walter McLeod, F.R.G.S. Head Master of the Model School, and Master of Method, Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. Author of "The Geography of Palestine, or the Holy Land;" "A First and Second Poetical Reading Book;" "An Explanatory English Grammar," "An Atlas of Scripture Geography," etc. New edition. London. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts and Whittaker and Co. 1862.

513 M77 Morell, J. D.: The Analysis of Sentences explained and systematised with an exposition of The Fundamental Laws of Syntax by J. D. Morell, M.A. LL.D, one of Her Majestys Inspectors of schools. Twelfth edition. London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. 1861. [Utan exlibris.]

514 M78 Floyd, Robert: Reading, Writing and Arithmetic and How they may be more successfully taught in Elementary Schools. By Robert Floyd. London. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. 1861.

515 M79 Daily Lesson Book, No. I. /Moral and Intellectual Series./ Adopted in the schools of the British and Foreign School Society. London: Hamilton, Adams, & Co., Paternoster Row; and Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., Stationers Court. Sold by Grant & Bolton, Dublin. [U.�.]

515 M79 Daily Lesson Book, No. II. /Moral and Intellectual Series./ /Public School Edition./ Adopted in the schools of the British and Foreign School Society. London: Depository of British and Foreign School Society, Borough Road. 1862.

516 M80 Home and Common Things: A Sequel to Daily Lesson Book, No. II. London: Hamilton, Adam,. & Co., Paternoster Row; Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., Stationers Court. Sold by Grant & Bolton, Dublin. 1862.

517 M81 Report of the Crown Court Schools, Little Russell Street, Covent Garden 1849-50.
[Parallelltitel: Annual Reports of Charitable Institutions connected with the Scottish National Church, Crown Court, Covent Garden, with statements of the contributions received in support of the same, and in aid of the Home and Foreign Missions of the Church of Scotland.] 1850. [Utan exlibris.]

518 M82 The Sunday School Teachers Magazine and Journal of Education. No. 9. Vol. XIII, September 1862. London: Sunday School Union, 56 Old Bailey, E.C. [Utan exlibris.]

519 M83 Jones, Margaret E. M.: A Brief Account of the Home and Colonial Training Institution; and of the Pestalozzian System, as taught and practised in their Schools. By Margaret E. M. Jones. Extracted from the quarterly paper of the Society, for Jan., 1862. London: Groombridge and Sons, Paternoster-Row. Wertheim, Macintosh, and Hunt, 24, Paternoster-Row, and 23, Holles-Street, Cavendish-Square. Depository of the Home and Colonial Training Institution, Grays Inn Road. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

520 M84 The Normal College of the British and Foreign School Society. President, His Grace the Duke of Bedford. Under the special patronage of Her Majesty the Queen. London: Printed for the society. 1853. [Utan exlibris.]

520 M84 The Normal College of the British and Foreign School Society. (Female department.) President, His Grace the Duke of Bedford. Under the special patronage of Her Majesty the Queen. London: printed for the society. 1851. [Utan exlibris.]

521 M85 Poetical Robinson Crusoe. /Indestructible picture library./ 19 pictures. Amusement and instruction combined. London. Ward & Lock 158, Fleet St. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

521 M85 Poetical Robinson Crusoe. /Indestructible picture library./ 19 pictures. Amusement and instruction combined. London. Ward & Lock 158, Fleet St. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

521 M85 Poetical Robinson Crusoe. /Indestructible picture library./ 19 pictures. Amusement and instruction combined. London. Ward & Lock 158, Fleet St. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

522 M86 Little Bo-Peep, and other Tales. /Indestructible picture library./ Numerous illustrations. Coloured. Amusement and instruction combined. London. Ward & Lock 158, Fleet St. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

523 M87 Birds of the Air: English and Foreign, Wild and Tame. /Indesctructible picture library./ 16 pictures. London: Ward and Lock, 158, Fleet Street. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

524 M88 [En samling reklamblad, sammanbundna med sn�re. F�r bl. a. Reynoldss large geometrical Diagrams, illustrating the Principles and Applications of Geometry, Reynoldss large coloured Diagrams, illustrative of Machinery, Manufactures, and Science. �ven en tunn broschyr: Statement of the General Arrangements of the Model Mixed School of the Home and Colonial Training Institution and of the Subjects taught therein.] [Utan exlibris; somliga med st�mpel.]

525 M89 British and Foreign School Society. Catalogue of lesson books, maps, slates and school materials, sold at greatly reduced prices, at the societys depository, Borough Road. London. (S.E.) [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

526 M90 The Biblical Treasury: A Collection of Scripture Illustrations, for the Use of Sunday School Teachers and Bible Students. No. XXXIII. September, 1862. Sunday School Union, 56, Old Bailey, London, E. C. [Utan exlibris.]

527 M91 Abbat, Richard: Orthographic Projection of the Globe on the Plane of a given Horizon; or, Perspective View of the Earth. By Richard Abbat, F.R.A.S. London: printed and published by Day and Son, Lithographers to the Queen, 6, Gate Street, Lincolns-Inn Fields. 1857. [Utan exlibris.]

528 M92 Plain Directions for the Establishment of Schools on the Plan and Principles of the British and Foreign School Society. London: printed for the Society, and may be had at the depository, Borough Road. 1853. [Utan exlibris.]

529 M93 Twenty third Annual Report, 1858-59. Home and Colonial School Society, for the Education of Teachers, and for the Improvment and Extension of the Infant School System and of Education in General, on Christian Principles. Instituted 1836. London: printed for the Institution, Grays Inn Road, near Kings Cross, by I. Chapman, Paddington, London. 1859. [Utan exlibris.]

530 M94 Eighteenth Report of the Female Society of Scotland for promoting the Christian Education of the Females of India. 1861. Edinburgh: printed by Andrew Jack, 13, Clyde Street, MDCCCLXI. [Utan exlibris.]

531 M95 The Youths Magazine. "Upward and onward." September, 1862. Seventh series, No. 9. London: published at 56 Old Bailey. To be had by all booksellers. [Utan exlibris.]

532 M96 Wilkins, Edwin: Daily Home Exercises for the Use of National and Elementary Schools. Part I. By Edwin Wilkins, Master of St. Stephens school, South Lambeth, Surrey. London: published by Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster-Row; sold also at the National Societys depository, Sanctuary, Westminster. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

532 M96 Wilkins, Edwin: Daily Home Exercises for the Use of National and Elementary Schools. Part II. By Edwin Wilkins, Master of St. Stephens school, South Lambeth, Surrey. London: published by Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster-Row; sold also at the National Societys depository, Sanctuary, Westminster. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

533 M97 Hints on School Building. Extracted from a larger work prepared under the direction of the Comittee of the Home and Colonial Training Institution. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

534 M98 Marrison, T. R. & Wash, Henry: Memory Lessons for Home Work. Designed to afford evening occupation for pupils. Arranged for a course of six months. By T. R. Marrison, Christchurch school, Hampstead, and Henry Wash, Downshire Hill school, Hampstead. London: Groombridge and Sons, Paternoster-Row. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

535 M99 Morell, J. D.: A Series of Graduated Exercises adapted to Morells grammar and analysis. By J. D. Morell, A.M., LL.D., one of Her Majestys Inspectors of schools. /Constables Educational Series./ Forty-eight thousand. Edinburgh: James Gordon, 51, Hanover Street. 1861. [Utan exlibris.]

536 M100 Dawes, Richard: Hints on an Improved and Self-paying System of National Education. Suggested from the working of the Village school of Kings Somborne, in Hampshire. With observations from personal inspection, on the Irish National Schools. By the Rev. Richard Dawes, A.M., Dean of Hereford. Author of Suggestive Hints towards Improved Secular Education. &c., &c. Fifth edition. London: Groombridge and Sons, Paternoster-Row. MDCCCLV. [Utan exlibris.]

537 M101 A Sermon by the late Rev. Dr. Mayo, of Cheam. "Outh of the mouth of babes and sucklings Thou hast ordained strength." Psalm viii. 2. Published by the Home and Colonial School Society, and sold at the depository, Grays Inn Road, London. 1858. [Utan exlibris.]

538 M102 Eastwood, J.: The Journeyings of the Israelites. By the Rev. J. Eastwood, M.A. London: The National Societys depository, Sanctuary, Westminster. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

539 M103 Simple Truths from the Scripture in Easy Lessons. /Gleigs school series./ New edition. London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. 1862. [Utan exlibris.]

540 M104 First Reading Book. In easy and familiar words. Published under the joint sanction of the Comittee of General Literature and Education appointed by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, and of the Comittee of the National Society. London: Society for promoting Christian Knowledge; sold at the depositories: 77, Great Queen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields; 4, Royal Exchange; 48, Piccadilly; National Societys depository, Westminster; and by all booksellers. 1862. [Utan exlibris.]

541 M105 Second Reading Book. Scriptural and miscellaneous lessons, with exercises in spelling. New series. Published under the joint sanction of the Comittee of General Literature and Education appointed by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, and of the Comittee of the National Society. London: Society for promoting Christian Knowledge; sold at the depositories: 77, Great Queen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields; 4, Royal Exchange; 48, Piccadilly; National Societys depository, Westminster; and by all booksellers. 1862.

541 M105 Second Reading Book. Scriptural and miscellaneous lessons, with exercises in spelling. New series. Published under the joint sanction of the Comittee of General Literature and Education appointed by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, and of the Comittee of the National Society. London: Society for promoting Christian Knowledge; sold at the depositories: 77, Great Queen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields; 4, Royal Exchange; 48, Piccadilly; National Societys depository, Westminster; and by all booksellers. 1864.

542 M106 First Sequel to the Second Reading Book. New series. Published under the joint sanction of the Comittee of General Literature and Education appointed by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, and of the Comittee of the National Society. London: Society for promoting Christian Knowledge; sold at the depositories: 77, Great Queen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields; 4, Royal Exchange; 48, Piccadilly; National Societys depository, Westminster; and by all booksellers. 1863.

543 M107 Second Sequel to the Second Reading Book. New series. Published under the joint sanction of the Comittee of General Literature and Education appointed by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, and of the Comittee of the National Society. London: Society for promoting Christian Knowledge; sold at the depositories: 77, Great Queen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields; 4, Royal Exchange; 48, Piccadilly; National Societys depository, Westminster; and by all booksellers. 1863.

543 M107 Second Sequel to the Second Reading Book. New series. Published under the joint sanction of the Comittee of General Literature and Education appointed by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, and of the Comittee of the National Society. London: Society for promoting Christian Knowledge; sold at the depositories: 77, Great Queen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields; 4, Royal Exchange; 48, Piccadilly; National Societys depository, Westminster; and by all booksellers. 1862.

544 M108 McLeod, Walter: My Second School-book to teach me Reading and Spelling. By Walter McLeod, F.R.G.S. Head Master of the Model School, and Master of Method, Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. /Gleigs school series/ New edition. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. 1860.

545 M109 Isbister, A. K.: Elements of Book-keeping by Single and Double Entry. With practical explanations and exercises on the most useful forms of business Comprising book-debts, bills of parcels, receipts, invoices, account sales, accounts current, promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange, and the accounts of a company of infantry. By A. K. Isbister, M.A. M.R.C.P. Member of the council and examiner to the Royal College of Preceptors. /Gleigs school series/ New edition. London. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. 1862.

546 M110 Step by Step; or, The Childs First Lesson Book. /Nelsons school series./ London: T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row; Edinburgh, and New York. MDCCCLXII. [Utan exlibris.]

546 M110 Step by Step; or, The Childs First Lesson Book. Part II. /Nelsons school series./ Thomas Nelson and Sons, London, Edinburgh, and New York. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

547 M111 MCulloch, J. M.: A Second Reading-Book for the Use of Schools; Containing progressive lessons on the pronunciation of double consonants and diphtongs, and on the middle and broad sounds of the vowels. By J. M. MCulloch, D.D., formerly Head-Master of Circus-Place School, Edinburgh. Author of "A Manual of English Grammar, Philosophical and Practical," &c. Thirty-second edition. Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd, Tweeddale Court. London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co. MDCCCLXI. [Utan exlibris.]

548 M112 The Teachers Assistant in Needle Work. For the use of schools and private families. Seventh edition. London: J. Hatchard and Son, 187, Piccadilly. 1838. [Utan exlibris.]

549 M113 McLeod, Walter: My First School-Book to teach me Reading and Writing. By Walter McLeod, F.R.G.S. Head Master of the Model School, and Master of Method, Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. Author of "The Geography of Palestine", "A First and Second Reading-book", "A First and Second Poetical Reading Book;" "An Explanatory English Grammar," etc. /Gleigs school series./ New edition. London. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. 1861. [Utan exlibris.]

550 M114 MCulloch, J. M.: A First Reading-Book for the Use of Schools; Containing the alphabet, and progressive lessons on the long and short sounds of the vowels. By J. M. MCulloch, D.D., formerly Head-Master of Circus-Place School, Edinburgh; Author of "A Manual of English Grammar, Philosophical and Practical," &c. Thirty-third edition, improved and greatly enlarged. Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd, Tweeddale Court. London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co. 1862. [Utan exlibris.]

551 M115 Life and Travels of Saint Paul. London: The National Societys depository, Sanctuary, Westminster. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

552 M116 A Statement of the General Arrangements of the Juvenile school of the Home and Colonial Training Institution, and of the Subjects taught therein. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

553 M117 Scripture Lessons for Elementary Classes, for every Sunday morning and afternoon, October December, 1862, selected from the Sunday School Union list of Scripture lessons. Sunday School Union, 56, Old Bailey, London, E.C. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

554 M118 A Short Spelling Course for the Lowest Classes in Schools. London: The National Societys depository, Sanctuary, Westminster. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

555 M119 Dawes, R.: Schools and other Similar Institutions, for the Industrial Classes. Remarks on the importance of giving them, as far as possible, a self-supporting character, and the means of doing so. A paper read before the Society of Arts, April 27th, 1853. By the Rev. R. Dawes, M.A., Dean of Hereford. Published by request. London: Groombridge and sons, Paternoster-Row. M.DCCC.LIII. [Utan exlibris.]

556 M120 A Guide to the Reformatory Institutions of London and its Vicinity; with a description of the model in the international exhibition. London: Reformatory and Refuge Union, 118, Pall Mall. 1862. [Utan exlibris.]

557 M121 Songs for Schools. New edition. London: The National Societys depository, Sanctuary, Westminster. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

558 M122 A Catalogue of Maps, Atlases, and Globes, published by Smith and Son, No. 172, Strand, London. Corner of Surrey Street. [...] 1862. [Utan exlibris.]

559 M121 Elementariu s�u ABC-dariu pentru sc�lele poporale romanesci. Prelucratu dupa Pavelu G�nczy, de Toma Rosiescu. Proprietatea statului reg. ung. Budapest, 1874.
[Parallelltitel: Legendariu pentru sc�lele poporali. Tomulu I.] [Utan exlibris.]

559 M121 Slovensky �labik�r a prv� c�tanka pre prv� triedu n�rodn�ch �kol. Sp�sal Pavel G�nczy, [...] Slobodne prelozil a prepracoval J�n Kadav�. V Bud�ne. Vlastnost Kr�lovsko-uhorskej drzavy. 1870.
[Parallelltitel: C�tanka pre proston�rodn�e �koly. Prv� sv�sok.] [Utan exlibris.]

559 M121 Leitfaden zu dem deutschen A-B-C- und Lesebuche. F�r Lehrer. Im Auftrage des k. ung. Kultus- und Unterrichtsministers nach dem von Paul G�nczy verfassten und vom k. ung. Kultus- und Unterrichtsminister preisgekr�nten ungarischen Leitfaden bearbeitet von A. Lederer. Ofen, 1870. K�niglich-ungarisches Staatseigenthum. [Utan exlibris.]

559 M121 G�sp�r, Johann: Lesebuch f�r die zweite Klasse der Volksschule, verfasst von Johann G�sp�r, Schuleninspektor. Ein vom k�nigl. ungar. Kultus- und Unterrichtsministerium preisgekr�ntes Werk. Im Auftrage des k. ung. Kultus- und Unterrichtsministers aus dem Ungarischen �bersetzt und bearbeitet von A. Lederer. K�niglich-ungarisches Staatseigenthum. Budapest 1873.
[Parallelltitel: Volksschul-Lesebuch. Zweiter Band.] [Utan exlibris.]

559 M121 G�sp�r, Johann: Lesebuch f�r die dritte Klasse der Volkschule, vervasst von Johann G�sp�r, Schuleninspektor. Ein vom k�nigl. ungar. Kultus- und Unterrichtsministerium preisgekr�ntes Werk. Im Auftrage des k. ung. Kultus- und Unterrichtsministers aus dem Ungarischen �bersetzt und bearbeitet von A. Lederer. K�niglich-ungarisches Staatseigenthum. Budapest 1873.
[Parallelltitel: Volksschul-Lesebuch. Dritter Band.] [Utan exlibris.]

559 M121 G�sp�r, Johann: Lesebuch f�r die vierte Klasse der Volkschule, vervasst von Johann G�sp�r, Schuleninspektor. Ein vom k. ung. Kultus- und Unterrichtministerium preisgekr�ntes Werk. Im Auftrage des k. ung. Kultus- und Unterrichtministers aus dem Ungarischen �bersetzt und bearbeitet von A. Lederer. K�niglich-ungarisches

Staatseigenthum. Budapest 1873.

[Parallelltitel: Volksschul-Lesebuch. Vierter Band.] [Utan exlibris.]

559 M121 Nagy, Ladislaus: Metodischer Leitfaden zu den Denk- und Sprech�bungen in der ersten und zweiten Volksschulklasse. Von Ladislaus Nagy, Schuleninspektor im Tolnaer un Baranher Komitate. Ein von dem k. ung. Kultus- unt Unterrichtminister preisgekr�ntes Werk. Im Auftrage des k. ung. Kultus- unt Unterrichtminister aus dem Ungarischen �bersetzt. K�niglich-ungarisches Staatseigenthum. Ofen, 1870.

Undersk�p 3

* Gille, J. E.: Claviaturen � pianoforte eller den enklaste och l�ttaste method att l�ra k�nna tangenternas namn och p� samma g�ng l�get af de noter, som p� notsystemet motsvara dessa tangenter. Af J.E. Gille. Stockholm hos P. A. Huldberg, bazaren � Norrbro. [U.�.] [Utan st�mpel, utan exlibris.]

* (19) Bangemann, Ludwig: Der erste biblische Anschauungsunterricht. Anweisung zum Gebrauche der nach den unterrichtlichen Angaben des Verfassers ausgef�hrten zwanzig Anschauungsbilder" f�r den ersten Unterricht in der Gotteserkenntnis und bei der Anleitung zum Gebete. Von Ludwig Bangemann, kgl. s�chs. Schulrat, Verfasser der biblischen Geschichtsb�cher und der Handreichung" dazu. Zweite Auflage. Leipzig, Georg Reichardt Verlag. 1887. [Utan st�mpel, utan exlibris.]

27 Kastman, Carl: Skolan och hemmet. Samling af uppsatser r�rande uppfostran och undervisning utgifven af Carl Kastman. 1. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt & S�ners f�rlag. 1881. [Utan st�mpel, utan exlibris.]

(27) Kastman, Carl: Skolan och hemmet. Samling af uppsatser r�rande uppfostran och undervisning utgifven af Carl Kastman. 2. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt & S�ners f�rlag. 1882. [Utan st�mpel, utan exlibris.]

(27) Kastman, Carl: Skolan och hemmet. Samling af uppsatser r�rande uppfostran och undervisning utgifven af Carl Kastman. 3. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt & S�ners f�rlag. 1883. [Utan exlibris.]

106 Ferdinand Hirts Geographische Bildertafeln. Eine Erg�nzung zu den Lehrb�chern der Geographie insonderheit zu denen von Ernst von Seydlitz. F�r die Belebung des erdkundlichen Unterrichts und die Veranschaulichung der Hauptformen der Erdoberfl�che mit besonderer Ber�cksichtigung der wichtigeren Momente aus der V�lkerkunde und Kulturgeschichte. Herausgegeben von Dr. Alwin Oppel (Bremen) und Arnold Ludwig (Leipzig) unter mitwirkung von Prof. Dr. G. Fritsch (Berlin), Dr. G. Leipoldt (Dresden), Prof. Dr. R. Perkmann (Wien), R. Waeber (Bunzlau) und von vielen anderen hervorragenden Fachm�nnern. Erster Teil: Allgemeine Erdkunde. Mit 324 Holzschnitten und kartographischen Darstellungen. "Cum Deo et die! F. H." Ferdinand Hirt, k�nigliche Universit�ts- und Verlagsbuchhandlung. Breslau 1881. [Utan st�mpel.]

* (106) Ferdinand Hirts Geographische Bildertafeln. Eine Erg�nzung zu den Lehrb�chern der Geographie insonderheit zu denen von Ernst von Seydlitz. F�r die Belebung des erdkundlichen unterrichts und die Veranstaltlichung der Hauptformen der Erdoberfl�che mit besonderer Ber�cksichtigung der wichtigeren Momente aus der V�lkerkunde und Kulturgeschichte herausgegeben von Dr. Alwin Oppel (Bremen) und Arnold Ludwig (Leipzig). Dritter Teil: V�lkerkunde. Ver�ffentlich under Mitwirkung von [...] Dritte Abteilung: V�lkerkunde von Afrika und Amerika. Mit 311 Holzschnitten nach Originalzeichnungen auf 31 Tafeln und erl�uterndem Text sowie einem Generalregister �ber alle drei Hauptteile, beziehentlich die f�nf B�nde der geographischen Bildertafeln. "Cum Deo et die! F. H." Ferdinand Hirt, k�nigliche Universit�ts- und Verlagsbuchhandlung. Breslau. [U.�.]

114 Lundgren, A. R.: Kartor �fver Sveriges landskap af A. R. Lundgren. Kartritningskurs: Afdelning I. Hjalmar Kinbergs f�rlag, Stockholm. [Kuvert] [U.�.] [Utan st�mpel, utan exlibris.]

122 B�ckman, J.: Geografiska bilder f�r hemmet och skolan ordnade af J. B�ckman, seminarieadjunkt. I. Sverige. Stockholm, Albert Bonniers f�rlag. [U.�.] [Utan st�mpel, utan exlibris.]

139 Klein, Herm. J.: Physische Geographie. Nach dem gegenw�rtigen Standpunkte der Wissenschaft dargestellt von Dr. Herm. J. Klein. Stuttgart. Verlag von W. Spemann. [F�r�ttstitel: Die Erde und ihr organisches Leben. Ein Geographisches Hausbuch von Dr. Klein und Dr. Thom�. Erster Band.] [U.�.] [Utan st�mpel.]

139 Thom�, Otto W.: Thier- u. Pflantzen-Geographie. Nach der gegenw�rtigen Verbreitung der Thiere und der Pflantzen, sowie mit R�cksicht auf deren Beziehung zum Menschen dargestellt von Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thom�. Stuttgart. Verlag von W. Spemann. [F�rs�ttstitel: Die Erde und ihr organisches Leben. Ein Geographisches Hausbuch von Dr. Klein und Dr. Thom�. Zweiter Band.] [U.�.] [Utan st�mpel.]

* (146) Darnells Short and Certain Road to a Good Hand Writing; Being a series of sixteen copy books, the first ten of which have every alternate line appropriate and carefully written copies in pencil-coloured ink, to be first written over and then imitated; The six remaining numbers having black head-lines for imitation only: The whole gradually advancing from the simple stroke to a superior small-hand: For the use of schools, private families, and self-instruction. Contents [...] No. VII. London: Griffith and Farran, corner of St. Pauls Church yard. Gilbert and Rivington Printers, St. Johns Square, London. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

* (146) Darnells Short and Certain Road to a Good Hand Writing; Being a series of sixteen copy books, the first ten of which have every alternate line appropriate and carefully written copies in pencil-coloured ink, to be first written over and then imitated; The six remaining numbers having black head-lines for imitation only: The whole gradually advancing from the simple stroke to a superior small-hand: For the use of schools, private families, and self-instruction. Contents [...] No. XII. London: Griffith and Farran, corner of St. Pauls Church yard. Gilbert and Rivington Printers, St. Johns Square, London. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

* (149) M�nster skrifbok i 8 kurser f�r folkskolor och nybegynnare. Lithografiska aktie bolaget i Norrk�ping. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

*(153) von Mentzer, T. A.: Planschverk till kalligrafiska skrifmetoden eller Kalligrafien till�mpad som grund f�r skrif�fningarne inom svenska skolverket. Af T. A. v. Mentzer. Graverad och tryckt i T. F. W. Mesters boktryckeri i Stockholm. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

* (156) Meyers kleiner Hand-atlas. Mit Benutzung des Kartenmaterials aus Meyers Konversations-Lexikon zusammengestellt in 100 Kartenbl�ttern und 9 Textbeilagen. Leipzig und Wien, Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts. 1893.

* (172) Lehmann, R.: Atlas f�r die unteren Klassen h�herer Lehranstalten. Herausgegeben von Dr. R. Lehmann, ord. Prof. der Erdkunde an der Akademie zu M�nster i.W. und Dr. W. Petzold, weil. Prof. an der Oberrealschule zu Braunschweig. Ausgef�hrt in der Geographischen Anstalt von Velhagen & Klasing in Leipzig. Inhalt: [...] Bielefeld und Leipzig. Verlag von Velhagen & Klasing. 1899.

* (176) Eschner, Max: Erl�uterungen zu Eschners Wandtafeln: Erste Hilfe bei Ungl�cksf�llen, herausgegeben von Max Eschner, Lehrer in Leipzig. Leipziger Schulbilderverlag von F. E. Wachsmuth, Leipzig. 1892. [Utan exlibris.]

* (181) H�rle, E..: Der Lichtenstein mit dem Schatzthal. Von Lehrer E. H�rle. [...] /Bugleich Textheft zu den "Geogr. Charakterbildern aus Schwaben" No. 1./ Stuttgart, Hobbing & B�chle 1900. [Utan exlibris.]

* (181) H�rle, E..: Die Nebelh�hle mit Fr�hlingsfest. Von Lehrer E. H�rle. [...] /Bugleich Textheft zu den "Geogr. Charakterbildern aus Schwaben" No. 2./ Stuttgart, Hobbing & B�chle 1900. [Utan exlibris.]

* (181) H�rle, E..: Der Hohenzollern. Von Lehrer E. H�rle. [...] /Bugleich Textheft zu den "Geogr. Charakterbildern aus Schwaben" No. 3./ Stuttgart, Hobbing & B�chle 1900. [Utan exlibris.]

* (181) H�rle, E..: Der Hohenstaufen. Von Lehrer E. H�rle. [...] /Bugleich Textheft zu den "Geogr. Charakterbildern aus Schwaben" No. 4./ Stuttgart, Hobbing & B�chle 1901. [Utan exlibris.]

* (181) H�rle, E..: Der Uracher Wasserfall und seine Umgebung. Von Lehrer E. H�rle. [...] /Bugleich Textheft zu den "Geogr. Charakterbildern aus Schwaben" No. 5./ Stuttgart, Hobbing & B�chle 1900. [Utan exlibris.]

* (181) H�rle, E.: Ulm und sein M�nster. Von Lehrer E. H�rle. [...] /Bugleich Textheft zu den "Geogr. Charakterbildern aus Schwaben" No. 6./ Stuttgart, Hobbing & B�chle 1901. [Utan exlibris.]

* (181) H�rle, E..: Stuttgart. Von Lehrer E. H�rle. [...] /Bugleich Textheft zu den "Geogr. Charakterbildern aus Schwaben" No. 7. u. 8./ Stuttgart, Hobbing & B�chle 1901. [Utan exlibris.]

* (181) H�rle, E..: Rotenberg und Neckarthal. Von Lehrer E. H�rle. [...] /Bugleich Textheft zu den "Geogr. Charakterbildern aus Schwaben" No. 9./ Stuttgart, Hobbing & B�chle 1902. [Utan exlibris.]

* (181) H�rle, E..: Der Asperg und das Lange Feld. Von Lehrer E. H�rle. [...] /Bugleich Textheft zu den "Geogr. Charakterbildern aus Schwaben" No. 10./ Stuttgart, Hobbing & B�chle 1901. [Utan exlibris.]

* (181) H�rle, E..: Die Riede Oberschwabens. Von Lehrer E. H�rle. [...] /Bugleich Textheft zu den "Geogr. Charakterbildern aus Schwaben" No. 11./ Stuttgart, Hobbing & B�chle 1902. [Utan exlibris.]

* (181) H�rle, E..: Der Bodensee. Von Lehrer E. H�rle. [...] /Bugleich Textheft zu den "Geogr. Charakterbildern aus Schwaben" No. 12./ Stuttgart, Hobbing & B�chle 1901. [Utan exlibris.]

* (181) H�rle, E..: Der Schwarzwald. I. Land und Leute im Schwarzwalde. Von Lehrer E. H�rle. [...] /Bugleich Textheft zu den "Geogr. Charakterbildern aus Schwaben" No. 13./ Stuttgart, Hobbing & B�chle 1902. [Utan exlibris.]

* (181) H�rle, E..: Der Schwarzwald. II. Der Gerbirgscharakter. Von Lehrer E. H�rle. [...] /Bugleich Textheft zu den "Geogr. Charakterbildern aus Schwaben" No. 14./ Stuttgart, Hobbing & B�chle 1902. [Utan exlibris.]

* (181) H�rle, E..: Das Alg�u. Von Lehrer E. H�rle. [...] /Bugleich Textheft zu den "Geogr. Charakterbildern aus Schwaben" No. 15./ Stuttgart, Hobbing & B�chle 1902. [Utan exlibris.]

* (181) H�rle, E..: Wildbad in Schwarzwalde. Von Lehrer E. H�rle. [...] /Bugleich Textheft zu den "Geogr. Charakterbildern aus Schwaben" No. 16./ Stuttgart, Hobbing & B�chle 1902. [Utan exlibris.]

* (181) H�rle, E..: Heilbronn. Von Lehrer E. H�rle. [...] /Bugleich Textheft zu den "Geogr. Charakterbildern aus Schwaben" No. 17./ Stuttgart, Hobbing & B�chle 1902. [Utan exlibris.]

* (181) H�rle, E..: Schw�bilch Hall. Von Lehrer E. H�rle. [...] /Bugleich Textheft zu den "Geogr. Charakterbildern aus Schwaben" No. 18./ Stuttgart, Hobbing & B�chle 1902. [Utan exlibris.]

* (195) Kronfeld, Morik: Bilder-Atlas zur Pflanzengeographie. Mit beschreibendem Text von Dr. Morik Kronfeld. Mit 216 Holzschnitten und Kupfer�tzungen nach Photographieen und nach Zeichnungen von Ernst Heyn, Karl Oenike, Oskar Schulz, Olof Winkler u. a. Leipzig und Wien, Bibliographisches Institut. 1899.

* (209) Gaub, G.: Unsere Haustiere. Reiche, �bersichtlich gegliederte Stoffsamlung zu anregenden Besprechungen in der Schule von G. Gaub, Lehrer in Cannstatt. Selbstverlag des Verfassers. Cannstatt. 1900. [Utan exlibris.]

576 The Sunday Picture Book. Scripture history. Scripture manners and customs. Scripture natural history. Published under the direction of the Comittee of General Literature and Education, appointed by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. London: Society for promoting Christian Knowledge; sold at the depositories: 77, Great Queen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields; 4 Royal Exchange; 16 Hanover Street, Hanover Square; and by all booksellers. [U.�.]

678 Olsson, B. F.: Naturhistorisk atlas f�r skolan och hemmet uti 623 afbildningar, h�mtade ur de b�sta svenska och utl�ndska k�llor, systematiskt ordnad och uppst�lld af B. F. Olsson. Med ett f�rord af prof. C. J. Sundevall. Stockholm, Albert Bonniers f�rlag. 1869.

679 Schneider, Oscar: Schneiders Typen-atlas. Naturwissenschaftlich-geographischer Hand-atlas f�r Schule und Haus. Unter k�nstlerischer Mitwirkung von W. Claudius, H. Leutemann, G. M�tzel und C. F. Seidel herausgegeben von Dr. Oscar Schneider, Oberlehrer an der Annen-Realschule zu Dresden. Dresden, 1881. Druck und Verlag von C. C. Meinhold & S�hne, K�nigl. Hofbuchdruckerei.

687 Tomlinson, Charles: Illustrations of Trades. By Charles Tomlinson, lecturer on Natural science, Kings College School, London. Published under the direction of the Comittee of General Literature and Education, appointed by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. London: Society for promoting Christian Knowledge; sold at the depositories: 77, Great Queen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields; 4 Royal Exchange; 16 Hanover Street, Hanover Square; and by all booksellers. [U.�.]

688 Tomlinson, Charles: Illustrations of Useful Arts and Manufactures. By Charles Tomlinson, lecturer on Science, Kings College School, London. Published under the direction of the Comittee of General Literature and Education. London: Society for promoting Christian Knowledge; sold at the depositories: Great Queen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields; 4 Royal Exchange; 16 Hanover Street, Hanover Square; and by all booksellers. [U.�.]

694 Zippel, Hermann & Bollmann, Carl: Ausl�ndische Culturpflanzen in bunten Wandtafeln mit erl�uterndem Text. Herausgegeben von Hermann Zippel, Lehrer an der h�heren T�chterschule zu Gera, und Carl Bollmann, Director seines lithogr. artist. Instituts zu Gera. Text. Erste Abtheilung. Mit einem Atlas, enthaltend 11 Tafeln mit 24 grossen Pflanzenbildern und zahlreichen Abbildungen charakteristischer Pflanzentheile. Braunschweig, Druck und Verlag von Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn. 1876. [Utan exlibris.]

790 Sveriges regenter. [Bildh�fte] [U.�.] [Utan st�mpel, utan exlibris.]

848 Atlas. [U.�.] [Utan st�mpel.]

851 Roth, Magnus: Atlas f�r skolan och hemmet. F�rsvenskad och delvis bearbetad efter Issleib & Rietzschels i Gera Volks-Atlas af Magnus Roth Fil. Dr. Adjunkt vid Nya Elementarskolan i Stockholm. 24 kartor i f�rgtryck: [...] Andra upplagan. Stockholm. C. E. Fritzes bokhandel. [U.�.]

853 Taschen-Atlas �ber alle Theile der Erde nach dem neuesten Zustande in 24 illuminirten Karten in Kupferstich. Nach Stielers Hand-Atlas verkleinert. Inhalt [...] Neunte Auflage. Gotha: Justus Perthes. 1861. [Utan exlibris.]

855 McLeod, Walter: A Hand-Atlas for Class teaching, comprising twenty-nine coloured maps. By Walter MLeod, F.R.G.S. Head Master of the Model School, and Master of Method, Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. Author of "An Atlas of Scripture Geography," "The Geography of Palestine," an "Explanatory English Grammar," etc. New edition. London. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. 1860.

858 Juvenile Atlas, Containing the lines of latitude & longitude for drawing the following maps. Western hemisphere, Eastern Do, Europe, England, Scotland, Ireland, Asia, Africa, North America, South Do. Printed & published by J. Heywood, 143, Deansgate. Manchester. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

859 Cornwell, James: The Book of Blank Maps. Each map complete in all but the names, which are to be filled in by the learner, by James Cornwell, PH.D., F.R.G.S. Comprising [...] London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co.; Hamilton, Adams, & Co. Edinburg: Oliver and Boyd. 1861. [Utan exlibris.]

860 Cornwell, James: Map-Book for Beginners. Being a companion atlas to the "Geography for Beginners" by James Cornwell, PH.D., F.R.G.S. Comprising [...] London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co.; Hamilton, Adams, & Co. Edinburg: Oliver and Boyd. 1861. [Utan exlibris.]

892 von Mentzer, A.: Kalligrafisk skrifmetod af A. v. Mentzer. [T. A. von Mentzers Kalligrafiska skrifmetod, h�fte 1-6, i knytmapp.] [U.�.]

893 Meijerberg, C. J.: Skrifkurs af Meijerberg. [Skrivkurs utarbetad f�r statens r�kning av C. J. Meijerberg, 1-3 kursen, i knytmapp.] [U.�.] [Utan st�mpel.]

894 Sandberg, Fredrik: Skrifbok i 6 kurser af Sandberg. [Skrivbok i sex kurser kurs 1-5 + M�nsterskrivbok i sex kurser kurs 1, 4, 5 och 6, i knytmapp.] [U.�.] [Utan st�mpel.]

* Normal skrifbok f�r skolor och sjelfundervisning efter Swans i England allm�nnt begagnade method. Af Meyer & K�ster. /Meyer & K�ster 1./ G�teborg. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

* Normal skrifbok f�r skolor och sjelfundervisning efter Swans i England allm�nnt begagnade method. Af Meyer & K�ster. /Meyer & K�ster 4./ G�teborg.[U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

* Normal skrifbok f�r skolor och sjelfundervisning efter Swans i England allm�nnt begagnade method. Af Meyer & K�ster. /Meyer & K�ster 5./ G�teborg. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

* Normal skrifbok f�r skolor och sjelfundervisning efter Swans i England allm�nnt begagnade method. Af Meyer & K�ster. /Meyer & K�ster 6./ G�teborg. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

* Normal skrifbok f�r skolor och sjelfundervisning efter Swans i England allm�nnt begagnade method. Af Meyer & K�ster. /Meyer & K�ster 7./ G�teborg. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

* Normal skrifbok f�r skolor och sjelfundervisning efter Swans i England allm�nnt begagnade method. Af Meyer & K�ster. /Meyer & K�ster 8./ G�teborg. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

* Normal skrifbok f�r skolor och sjelfundervisning efter Swans i England allm�nnt begagnade method. Af Meyer & K�ster. /Meyer & K�ster 9./ G�teborg. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

* Normal skrifbok f�r skolor och sjelfundervisning efter Swans i England allm�nnt begagnade method. Af Meyer & K�ster. /Meyer & K�ster 10./ G�teborg. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

* (895) Normal skrifbok f�r skolor och sjelfundervisning efter Swans i England allm�nnt begagnade method. Af Meyer & K�ster. /Meyer & K�ster 11./ G�teborg. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

* Normal skrifbok f�r skolor och sjelfundervisning efter Swans i England allm�nnt begagnade method. Af Meyer & K�ster. /Meyer & K�ster 12./ G�teborg. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

895 Meyer & K�sters normalskrifbok f�r folk-skolor. /Meyer & K�ster No.9/ G�teborg. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

898 von Mentzer, T. A.: F�rskrifter f�r elementar- och folkskolor. Af T. A. v. Mentzer. Stockholm, P. Ad. Huldberg, bazaren � Norrbro. 1852. [Utan exlibris.]

899 SKINNBAND W�LSKRIFNING. [F�rskrifter] [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

900 Wesserblad, J. W. M.: Praktisk handledning i w�l- och r�ttskrifning af J. W. M. Wesserblad. Stockholm. Lith. och tr. hos Abr. Lundquist & Co. [U.�.] [Utan st�mpel.]

901 Skrifkurs utarbetad f�r Stockholms borgareskolor samt f�r Svenska sl�jdf�reningens skola. Stockholm 1865. Stockholm, J F Meyer & Cies Kongl hof-stentryckeri. [Utan st�mpel.]

902 Berggr�n, A. N.: Finger-Gymnastik mit besonderer R�cksicht auf die Schreibkunst. Von A. N. Berggr�n, K�nigl. Hof-Kalligraph, Stockholm. [U.�.] [Utan st�mpel.]

903 P�hlman, John M. Oson: Praktiska f�rskrifter f�r skolor och sjelfundervisning af John M. Oson P�hlman. P�hlmanska metodens fyra grundformer. Br�derna P�hlmans skrifinstitut. P� eget f�rlag. Stockholm. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

903 P�hlman, Otto: Latinska f�rskrifter f�r elementarl�roverken, seminarier, folkskolor och skolor i allm�nhet af Otto P�hlman. P� H. A. Reuterski�lds f�rlag, G�teborg. [U.�.] [Utan st�mpel, utan exlibris.] [1a kursen, h�fte 1-4, 2a kursen, h�fte 1-4.] �

* (904) Skrivebog i fem hefter udgiven efter offentlig foranstaltning. 1te hefte. Kristiania. J. W. Cappelens forlag. Trykt i Th. Moestre & Co Stentrykkeri paa lithographisk hurtigpresse. [U.�.] [Utan st�mpel, utan exlibris.]

* (904) Skrivebog i fem hefter udgiven efter offentlig foranstaltning. IIdet hefte. Kristiania. J. W. Cappelens forlag. Trykt i Th. Moestre & Co Stentrykkeri paa lithographisk hurtigpresse. [U.�.] [Utan st�mpel, utan exlibris.]

* (904) Skrivebog i fem hefter udgiven efter offentlig foranstaltning. IIIdie hefte. Kristiania. J. W. Cappelens forlag. Trykt i Th. Moestre & Co Stentrykkeri paa lithographisk hurtigpresse. [U.�.] [Utan st�mpel, utan exlibris.]

* (904) Skrivebog i fem hefter udgiven efter offentlig foranstaltning. IVde hefte. Kristiania. J. W. Cappelens forlag. Trykt i Th. Moestre & Co Stentrykkeri paa lithographisk hurtigpresse. [U.�.] [Utan st�mpel, utan exlibris.]

911 L�tta anteckningar f�r nybegynnare. [Ritkurs. Kuvert; u.�., utan st�mpel och exlibris.]

917 Hutter, Alexander: Elementar-Zeichnen nach stufengem�ss entwickeltem Netzsystem. Von Alexander Hutter, Lehrer des technischen Zeichnens an der Kantonsschule in Bern und am Seminar zu M�nchenbuchsee. Inhaltsverzeichniss. [...] St Gallen & Bern. Verlag von Huber & Comp. [H�fte 1-6; sex kuvert u.�., utan st�mpel och exlibris.]

923 Richson, C.: To disciple the Hand in the use of the Pencil; to accustom the Eye to correct perception of Form, Distance and Proportion; and to quicken the Intellect in appreciating the beauty and power of Line; Diagrams and Instructions for Free Hand Exercises in Geometrical Forms, to be used in the collective teaching of elementary linear drawing; adapted to the authors "Lesson on the Delineation of Form;" In four parts: [...] Third edition, improved. By the Rev. C. Richson, M.A., Clerk in orders of the cathedral, Manchester. With prefaces by George Wallis, Esq. and J. A. Hammersley, Esq. London: depository of the National Society, Sanctuary, Westminster; Darton & Co., Holborn Hill. Manchester: T. Sowler, St. Anns square; J. Galt & Co., Ducie Place. Cave & Sever Printers, Palatine Buildings, Manchester. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

926 Darnells Sure Guide to a Good Hand Writing; Being a series of twenty-four copy books, the first ten of which have every alternate line appropriate and carefully written copies in pencil-coloured ink, to be first written over and then imitated; The remaining numbers having black head-lines for imitation only: The whole gradually advancing from the simple stroke to a superior small-hand. Contents. [...] London: Griffith and Farran, corner of St. Pauls Churchyard. Gilbert and Rivington Printers, St. Johns Square, London. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

927 Bailey, William: The Gradatory Series of Copy Books, developing by short, easy and natural steps, the art of writing, from the simple straight stroke to a good mercantile hand, by William Bailey, M.C.P., (Late Head Master of the Boys School, Hercules Buildings, Lambeth, London.) [...] No. 1. London: Groombridge & Sons, 5, Paternoster-Row; Church of England Education society, 11, Adam Street, Adelphi; and at all booksellers. Thomas Harrild, Printer, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, London. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

927 Bailey, William: The Gradatory Series of Copy Books, developing by short, easy and natural steps, the art of writing, from the simple straight stroke to a good mercantile hand, by William Bailey, M.C.P., (Head Master of the Boys school, Hercules Buildings, Lambeth, London.) [...] No. 3. London: Groombridge & Sons, 5, Paternoster-Row; Church of England Education Society, 11, Adam Street, Adelphi; and at all booksellers. Thomas Harrild, Printer, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, London. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

927 Bailey, William: The Gradatory Series of Copy Books, developing by short, easy and natural steps, the art of writing, from the simple straight stroke to a good mercantile hand, by William Bailey, M.C.P., (Head Master of the Boys school, Hercules Buildings, Lambeth, London.) [...] No. 4. London: Groombridge & Sons, 5, Paternoster-Row; Church of England Education Society, 11, Adam Street, Adelphi; and at all booksellers. Thomas Harrild, Printer, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, London. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

927 Bailey, William: The Gradatory Series of Copy Books, developing by short, easy and natural steps, the art of writing, from the simple straight stroke to a good mercantile hand, by William Bailey, M.C.P., (Late Head Master of the Boys school, Hercules Buildings, Lambeth, London.) [...] No. 9. London: Groombridge & Sons, 5, Paternoster-Row; Church of England Education Society, 11, Adam Street, Adelphi; and at all booksellers. Thomas Harrild, Printer, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, London. [U.�.] [Utan exlibris.]

932 Easy Drawing Copies for Elementary Instruction by the author of "Drawing for Young Children." First set. Consisting of twenty-six subjects. London: Walton and Maberly. Upper Gower Street, and Ivy Lane, Paternoster-Row. [Knytmapp. H�r finns �ven tre blad med ritningar av skolm�bler (engelskt reklammaterial, f�rmodligen fr�n 1862).] [U.�.] [Utan st�mpel.]

943 Normalritningar till folkskolebyggnader jemte beskrifning. P� n�dig befallning utarbetade af Kongl. �fver-intendents-embetet. Stockholm, 1865. P. A. Norstedt & S�ner, Kongl. boktryckare. [Utan st�mpel.]

944 [Ingen titel. Bilder av skolm�bler och skolhus (amerikanska och engelska), gymnastikmateriel, aritmetisk och kemisk undervisningsmateriel med korta beskrivningar.] Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt & S�ner. 1856. [Utan st�mpel.]

944 [Ingen titel. Bilder av skolm�bler och skolhus (amerikanska och engelska), gymnastikmateriel, aritmetisk och kemisk undervisningsmateriel med korta beskrivningar.] Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt & S�ner. 1856. [Utan st�mpel.]

950 H�ffner, J. C. F.: Svensk koralbok af Kongl psalmkommitt�n gillad och antagen �r 1819. Utarbetad af J. C. F. H�ffner. Ny upplaga, med till�gg af svenska messan och ett supplement, inneh�llande sex af Kgl. Musikal. Akademien i dess minimitabell f�reslagna koraler. Stockholm, F. & G. Beyers f�rlag. Tr. hos J Meisel, �landsgatan No 17. [U.�.] �

986 Ziegler, Christoph: Das alte Rom. Achtzehn Tafeln in Farbendruck und 5 Holzschnitte mit erl�uterndem Texte von Christoph Ziegler. Billige Schulausgabe der Illustrationen zur Topographie des alten Rom. Stuttgart, Verlag von Paul Neff. 1882.

The End

Moderna l�romedel f�r 1870-talet, intro

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