UPPSALA UNIVERSITET : Utbildningsvetenskapliga fakultetsnämnden : Forskningsgruppen för utbildnings- och kultursociologi : Nationella forskarskolan i utbildningshistoria
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Utbildningshistoria, traditioner, 7,5hp


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Archer, Margaret S.: Social Origins of Educational Systems. University Edition. London: Sage, 1984 (234 s.). (234 s.).

Cunningham, Peter: ”Educational History and Educational Change: The Past Decade of English Historiography”, History of Education Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 1. (Spring, 1989), pp. 77-94. (18 s.).

Green, Andy: Education and state formation: the rise of education systems in England, France and the USA (353 p.). London: Macmillan, 1990, kap 2 (pp. 26-75) (50 s.).

Grosvenor, Ian(2009)'Geographies of risk: an exploration of city childhoods in early twentieth-century Britain', Paedagogica Historica,45:1,215 — 233

Herbst, Jurgen: ”Beyond the Debate over Revisionism: Three Educational Pasts Writ Large”, History of Education Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 2. (Summer, 1980), pp. 131-145 (14 s.).

Hofstetter, Rita and Schneuwly, Bernard (2009)'Knowledge for teaching and knowledge to teach: two contrasting figures of New Education: Claparède and Vygotsky', Paedagogica Historica, 45:4,605 — 629

Janmaat, Jan Germen(2006)'History and National Identity Construction: The Great Famine in Irish and Ukrainian History Textbooks', History of Education, 35:3,345 — 368

Jarausch, Konrad H.: ”The Old ’New History of Education’: A German Reconsideration”, History of Education Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 2. (Summer, 1986), pp. 225-241 (17 s.).

Katz, Michael B.: ”The Origins of Public Education: A Reassessment”, History of Education Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 4. (Winter, 1976), pp. 381-407 (27 s.).

Lindmark, Daniel, 'Kunskapskraven i den framväxande folkskolan: linjer i folkskolans integration 1842-1871', Utbildningshistoria, 1992, s. 77-116, 1992, 19s.

Margolis, Eric and Fram, Sheila(2007)'Caught Napping: Images of Surveillance, Discipline and Punishment on the Body of the Schoolchild', History of Education, 36:2, s. 191 — 211

Müller, Detlef K., Fritz Ringer & Brian Simon (eds.): The Rise of the Modern Educational System: Structural Change and Social Reproduction 1870-1920. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press/Paris: Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 1987 (264 s.). ISBN 0-521-33001-7 (Cambridge); 2-7351-0168-1 (Paris) (264 s.).

Nilsson, Anders & Svärd, Birgitta, ”Writing ability and Agrarian Change in Early 19th-Century Rural Scania, Scandinavian Journal of History 1994:3, 23s.

Nilsson, Anders: ”Utbildning, ekonomisk tillväxt och fördelning”, Forskning om utbildning 1993:1, 16s.

Nordvall, Henrik, ”Folkbildning som mothegemonisk praktik?”, i Utbildning & Demokrati 11 (2002), nr 2, s. 15–32.

Persson, Sofia, Läraryrkets uppkomst och förändring: en sociologisk studie av lärares villkor, organisering och yrkesprojekt inom den grundläggande utbildningen i Sverige ca. 1800-2000, Diss. Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet, 2008,Göteborg, 2008, s. 25-66.

Petterson, Lars: ”Pedagogik och historia. En komplicerad förbindelse”, pp. 359-373 Selander, Staffan (red): Kobran, nallen och majjen: tradition och förnyelse i svensk skola och skolforskning. Stockholm: Myndigheten för skolutveckling, 2003 (15 s.).

Prytz, Johan (2009), Professional debate and social structure in Swedish mathematics education, 1905-1962. The case of geometry instruction at the lower secondary level. In Bjarnadóttir, K. Furinghetti, F., & Schubring, G. (Eds.) (2009). “Dig where you stand”. Proceedings of the conference “On-going research in the History of Mathematics Education”.

Sanderson, Michael, ”Educational and Economic History: The Good Neighbours”, History of Education, 2007:4-5, 16s.

Sandin, Bengt (1986), Hemmet, gatan, fabriken eller skolan, 320s.

Simon, Brian: ”The History of Education in the 1980s”, British Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. 30, No. 1. (Feb., 1982), pp. 85-96 (11 s.).

Stoddard, Christiana, ”Why did Education Become Publicly funded. Evidence from the Nineteenth-Century Growth of Public Primary Schooling in the United States”, The Journal of Economic History 2009:1, 28s.

Sundgren, Gunnar "Folkbildningens särart som fenomen och problem", s. 11–73 i Annelie Andersén, Anna Lundin & Gunnar Sundgren, Folkbildningens särart? Offentlighet, forskning och folkbildares självförståelse. Delbetänkande av Utredningen för statens utvärdering av folkbildningen 2004, SOU 2003:94.

Vehkalahti, Kaisa(2008)'The urge to see inside and cure: letter-writing as an educational tool in Finnish reform school education, 1915-1928', Paedagogica Historica, 44:1,193 — 205

Wright, Valerie(2009)'Education for active citizenship: women's organisations in interwar Scotland', History of Education, 38:3,419 — 436